Woman 101

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We arrive to see a fully clothed Purifier, back in her normal outfit, yet pissed beyond belief. Next to her is the unconscious body of Hornet. A low hissing sound coming from her head

*mumbling* "Damn woman trying to 'teach me'...she's lucky I have things to do, I would have beaten her till the cows come home!"

Finally finished putting on her Siren outfit, Purifier left the room and traveled to the cafeteria, ready to get her morning back on track.

Nevada: Hello! Now what would our resident mermaid like for breakfast?

"Hmm...I'll take 2 sweet crepes and a cup of tea"

Nevada: How much sugar?

"2 spoons"
After getting her breakfast, Purifier went to the corner of the cafeteria, where less ships were seated. However, any ship that was seated there left when she came to eat.

'Gonna have to get use to this still'

Sighing in defeat, she sits down and enjoys her meal. Before she can bite into the second crepe, Laffey comes over and sits right next to her, much to the dismay of another purple haired destroyer.

?: Laffey! You didn't even ask her if she was alright with that! *into Laffey's ear* And she's a siren too! Are you crazy?!

Laffey; No, they're my friend, like they always have been, right Si-

Before she could finish, Purifier clasps her hands over Laffey's mouth.

"Don't say that Laffey...my names Purifier, remember?"

Laffey: *muffled* Ov Cooose

"*Takes hands away* Thank you for getting that"

Laffey: Purifier, meet Laffey's second best friend, Javelin

Javelin: Wait why did you say second?!

Laffey: Because you're both my best friends

Purifier/Javelin: Oh that makes perfect sense...

?: And that sarcasm is unnecessary in the dining hall

Turning to the voices, they found Yorktown, alongside her sisters walking over the their table, food in hand...except Enterprise.

"Mornin' mom!"


That collective screech of confusion from every girl in the room startled the girls at the table. Before Yorktown and Purifier we're bombarded with questions from everyone present.

?: How are you her daughter?!

?: Do sirens even have mothers?!

?: How the hell did you meet?!

Yorktown: QUIET!!

The noise ceased
Yorktown: If any of you have questions, ask one at a time! You're all going to give me a headache!
Yorktown: Nothing? Then quiet down and eat before your food gets cold

"Jeez, I never knew you could be so terrifying mom"

Hornet: Well they say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

"And you know that more than most, right Hornet?"

Hornet: Hehehe...I guess so...

Enterprise: What do you mean by that Sim-, Purifier?


Purifier looked over to Hornet, who was silently pleading her to not say anything, Hornet's eyes filled with horror when Purifier answered with a devilish grin.

"She tried to do some more 'teaching' with me when we woke up, I didn't even know my body could do that"

Yorktown stopped mid spoonful, as shadows slowly but menacingly covered her eyes. Hornet was paler than Purifier was at this point, and she only got worse as Yorktown looked at her with her icy blue eyes, nearly dripping from the pure malice held in them.

Yorktown: That's not true, is it sister?

Hornet: I-I-I-I-I

Before she could continue her fear filled speech, Yorktown stood up and grabbed her by the cape, snapping Hornet out of her trance and, by instinct, grabbed on the table to survive. Her resistance was futile, as she was yanked from the seat and dragged away, screaming that she wants to live.

Enterprise: Ok...everyone remind me not to piss off my older sister

Everyone: Noted
So! Remember what I asked from Belfast earlier yesterday?

That's right! It's time to learn how to be a woman!


Belfast: Greeting Purifier, are you ready for your first lesson?

"As ready as I'll ever be I suppose"

Belfast: Excellent, now to start, we will learn etiquette, specifically, how to carry yourself in your new form. Sheffield here will help me with this, hopefully by the end of today you will know at least the basics

Sheffield: That way you won't be a tomboy like Cleveland

"I guess that's good, so when do we start?"

Sheffield: We'll start right away, first thing, you must dress the part, at least partially

"And that means?"

Sheffield: You need to learn to walk in heels
'This isn't going to end well'
After many attempts and many falls, as well as a few bloody tissues, Purifier learned how to walk in heels. Now running in them is still out of the question.

Belfast: Congrats, you seem to have gotten the hang of it quite quickly

"THAT was quickly?!"

Sheffield: It usually takes some of us several days of trial and error to finally walk in heels. You managed to do it in hours, color me impressed

"Yet you still wear that emotionless face"

Sheffield: I don't know what you're talking about

Belfast: Now that you have done this, I say we show your new skills to the others, wouldn't you agree?

"Ohhh no...no no no! I am not wearing these out there! I'll make a fool of myself when I fall and bust my ass!"

Suddenly, Sheffield slaps Purifier over the head with a sharp stick.

"OW! What was that for?!"

Sheffield: A lady would never cuss, not ever

"Starting to regret asking for these lessons right now"

Belfast: It's your choice, I'm quite happy to be a teacher to someone, so I'm willing to do this if you need help with other things, such as manners-

Sheffield: Which is something you lack as of now

"Hey!...I appreciate your honesty!"

Sheffield: Your very welcome

Belfast: Let us go for dinner before it's over, we all haven't eaten a thing since lunch
After dinner, we left to our respective dorms, Belfast and Sheffield went on their rounds before heading to sleep.

"*whispers* Hello? Hornet you awake?"

I opened the door more and saw Hornet on the bed, she was shaking lightly and looked terrified.

"Hey, Yellow Jacket, you ok?"

Hornet:*mumbles* Never peep on her daughter, never peep on her daughter, never peep on her daughter...

"You ok?"


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