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After the happy reunion between the bunny and the Siren, Laffey was taken to the Benson class dorm to sleep, now having a happy face after she was able to see her friend again, even in his new form.

Purifier closed the door, happy that she was able to see Laffey again, and walked down the hallway to meet back up with Wales and George.

George: So, where to now?

Wales: Hmm...why not the training yard? I haven't seen her battle yet, so that can be interesting to watch

George: Sounds good to me, what about you Purifier?

"That sounds great! I've been itching for a fight recently"

Wales: You seem very eager, just...don't kill anyone

"I can only promise to try"

Wales: Well you better keep that promise otherwise you'll be the second casualty today
At the training yard...

The sound of cannon fire can be heard echoing from the ocean, the girls are training to aim better, as well as overall practice to keep up and preform more efficiently.

"Woah! This is gonna be so much fun!"

George:*to Wales* Are you sure it was a good idea to bring her here?

Wales:*To George* Positive, if anything, we can stop her...I hope

?: That's enough! Your guys did well today!

"Oh! Hey Cleveland!"

Hearing her name get called out, Cleveland turned around and was hugged by Purifier, which she then returned the hug.

Cleveland: Yo! What brings you to the training yard?

"Isn't it obvious?"

Cleveland: Yeah it is, but it's polite to ask anyway

Wales: We brought her in hopes of seeing her experience, especially considering she only had her rigging for a few weeks

Cleveland: Really?! That little amount?

"I was taken just a few weeks ago, that's obvious if you build from there"

Cleveland: True...actually, you wanna fight me?

"Hell yeah! I'm down for that!"

Purifier, being the proud(slightly psychotic) Siren she is, stared that with complete confidence.

Cleveland: Oh? I ain't going down easy you know

"Quiet down Clevebro and let's get going!"

Cleveland: Wha-?! Ok now your going down!

George: Now that she mentions it, she does look more like a woman than you do Cleaveland

Cleveland: Seriously?! Ughh...why do you have a bigger chest than I do?!

"Hey! HEY! Fondle you're own buttons brother!"

Cleveland: YOU SON OF A-

George: Calm down you two!

Purifier and Cleveland: Stay out of this!

Wales, having enough of this argument, smashed both their heads together.

Wales: Are you done yet?

"Oww...fine, let's just do this fight, I'm gonna win it"

Cleveland: Not if I have anything to say about that, ah lord that hurt...

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