To Purify my Sins

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This is Normal "speech" and narration

This is thoughts

This is yelling or important actions

Remember this, as this will only be on the first chapter

"Th-thank you Yorktown, I mean it"

Yorktown: It's alright, I can't imagine what you're going through, but I'll always be there if you need someone to cry too

"Again, thanks York-"

Yorktown: No, it's fine, but please Simon, can you call me mother?

*tears welling* "R-really?! Thank you Yor-, mom!"
"Oh~, Christ my head..."

'Where the hell am I? This looks like a hospital bed, but, it seems off...'

The room all around him was dark, he could only see through the lamp above his head, his hands were held down by clamps, but they weren't hurting him.

?: Oh? Looks like you're awake~

"Who there? Also, what's going on?"

?: You're...taking this better than I thought you would

"Believe me, I'm kinda scared, but I don't know what to expect, so I really don't think I should lash out"

?: Well, I guess that makes this easier then

The figure steps out of the shadows, revealing a short girl, who seems to be floating above the ground, she also has a very large bow on her head

The figure steps out of the shadows, revealing a short girl, who seems to be floating above the ground, she also has a very large bow on her head

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(Ignore the rigging for now)

"Hold on! Your a Siren?!"

Alpha: That's correct, I am Observer Alpha, as my name implies, I have been watching the movements of Azur Lane, making moves on them that can force their hand and allow me to collect data on them.

"So that's why your doing this, so what? Are you going to kill me? Or use me to collect more data?

Alpha: technically, the last one, but not in the way you'd think...

"And that means...?"

Alpha: You see, we are waging war against Azur Lane, as you already know. However, we aren't truly attempting to kill humanity

"But, you attacked and killed thousands! Why should I think otherwise?!"

Alpha: You can guess the fact that we do come from another time, specifically the future. In the future, humanity falls to its own devices, destroying themselves from within. Our creator's goal is to prevent this, by collecting data from the very ships that defended the humans that would later turn them to scrap.

"And I'm supposed to believe that?"

Alpha: No, it would be far easier if you didn't

"Then why tell me this?"

Alpha: Because you needed to know the truth, as well as know why I need you to listen to what I'm about to say

"Well, I got nothing better to do"

Alpha: *giggles* You are chained. To get to the point, I wish for you to help us in the plan, simply observe, participate, and record the battles Azur Lane fights in, against us and the Crimson Axis

"But how? I can only move in a wheelchair, and I'm not allowed out of port. I'm basically a prisoner in fancy clothing..."

Alpha: Which is where my deal begins...

After saying this, a tentacle appears from the darkness, passing a wisdom cube to Observer Alpha's hand. But the cube is glowing yellow, instead of blue.

Alpha: This cube is a unique one that we crafted upon seeing the state you were in, you are one of the few humans who have the capacity for this. This cube requires the suffering of an individual who has seen and experienced the worst fate a sentient life form can endure, solitude, if everything goes right, then you should be able to walk again.

Realizing the deal she gave him, Simon almost accepted, but he also knew that they would ask him of something else, that or the side effects of such a cube.

"It sounds like a good deal, but I'm guessing there's something else to it?"

Alpha: Cunning are we? There is another problem with this, the cube itself is freakishly powerful, but only works if it finds a suitable host, from there, we don't know what it will do. But judging by the power it exudes, it is almost surely going to turn you into a Siren as well.

"So, either never walk again and forever be left to isolation, or become the enemy to which I was told was evil and wanted to do nothing but destroy everything. Honesty, I've lost my faith in most people many months ago, I'll take you up on that offer of yours."

Observer Alpha, who was now smiling, slowly placed the cube on his chest, it started to glow a bright yellow, which temporarily blinded both of them. Simon could have sworn he felt the clamps getting looser, but he focused on what was happening with the cube.

After a few minutes of waiting, the glow died down, and Alpha opened her eyes to check if Simon was alright after this, but instead of being met with Simon, she was met with a Siren.

"Did it work?"
"Wait...the hell happened to my voice?!"

Both Simon and Alpha were shocked, Simon by the fact that his clothes were now fairly large on him, and his girlish voice, while Alpha was shocked by the results of the cube.

Alpha: So, it seems that you did become a Siren, body and all...

"So I really am a girl?!"

Alpha: It would seem so, now then, let's get you out of the restraints

Two tentacles came out of the darkness and pulled the clamps out of the table, allowing Simon to stand up, almost having his clothes fall of his shoulders because of his change in body size.

Alpha: First order of business should be to get you some better fitting clothes and change your name, can't have you fighting with that name linking you to your past

Simon: True...but what should my name be?

Alpha: about Purifier? You know the truth of Humanity, and you wish to clean out the rotten individuals from it. Also, you are no longer chair bound, like your body was purified.

"That, actually sounds perfect! Ok! My new name is Purifier, ready to take the world by the horns!"

Alpha: My~, what spirit you got, well, let's get those clothes and get you some training on how to fight.

"Got it!"
Meanwhile back at Azur Lane's base...


Enterprise: Commander!

Commander: Jesus! What's so important that you bust my door down like that?!

Enterprise: It's about Simon, Observer Alpha showed up out of the blue and took him!

Commander: What?! Any idea why they would do this?

Enterprise: No, sorry sir...

Commander: Oh boy, Yorktown is NOT gonna be happy with this...

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