Midway to Sunders

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We arrive on scene, the world seems far too blue, almost black. The land around is bleak, yet beautiful at the same time. The ocean was black as night, and no seabed can be spotted. In a large building we see several girls moving around, all completing tasks and jobs.

Welcome to the siren world

In a room at the bottom of this building, Observer Alpha is going over her notes and research, making sure everything is up to date and recorded probably.

Behind her, a portal opens, and she looks to who came through.

"So then Alpha, I'm sure you knows what's about too happen"

Alpha: That I do, and I have been thinking about what kind of production models to send there

"Actually, I came here to put forth a hypothesis"

Alpha: Oh? Than by all means tell me

"Since this battle, by default, will be between the two factions, and one faction has siren assistance, what would be the outcome if the other side had siren help as well?"


Alpha: Go on...

"I was thinking if both sides had assistance from a similar third party, would this either further their goals, their relations, or possibly something else?"

Alpha: Hmm...

'I said something stupid didn't I? Well it was just my input'
Alpha: Why the hell didn't I think of that?!

Alpha: That could make for some interesting data...why not?


Alpha: You have my full permission to join in on their operation


Alpha: Language!

Back in the Azur Lane base, a large portion of the residents are gearing up for the fight ahead.

Wales: Everything seems to be in order, other than Enterprise, everyone is in optimal condition

Cleveland: That's great! We'll win this easy!

Wales: I wouldn't get so confident yet...anyhow, let's set sail everyone!

Half an hour into the journey...

Plenty of the girls are simply biding their time, waiting for the fleet to approach Midway.

Cleveland: Jeez, even when we have all this fire power, I feel nervous about the coming battle

Belfast: That's only natural, you never know how these events can play out

Cleveland: *sigh* I kind of wish we could bring along Purifier

Belfast: Indeed, she is a formidable opponent, but she must remain a secret to all outside the base, god only knows what will happen if she is discovered

In the distance, the two can see some girls shouting about something, and pointing to the clouds.

Cleveland: What the heck are they pointing at?

She turned her gaze up to the sky, and spots a siren floating there, staring at the fleet.

Cleveland: Oh shit! Everyone be ready!

Most of the fleet raised their guns to the siren, who just floated down slowly and was revealed to be Purifier all along.

Belfast: Everyone! Put your weapons down, it's Purifier!

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