Fluctuating Reality

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In Hornet's room, both she and Purifier were in bed, however, neither of them were asleep.

Hornet was sat next to the siren, concern painted on her face.


Hornet: Sometimes it's better to get it off your chest, you know?

"I know, it's just...something I really don't get right now"

Hornet: *sigh* I guess that's the best we can get for now. Come on, let's get to bed, it's already 1

Hornet climbed into bed and started to doze off, Purifier joining her soon after.

Hornet: Goodnight Purifier

"Goodnight Hornet"
An hour passed, the base was asleep, and the sun has yet to rise over the horizon. In bed, Hornet slept peacefully, dreaming of god knows what, especially with that creepy smile on her face.

Next to her, Purifier was turning slightly, soon taking the covers off and getting out of bed. Her head was hung low, she rubbed her eyes before opening them.

The first thing she noticed was the unnatural cold she felt. Looking around, Purifier found nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hmm, I guess it was just me then"

She went to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. Stepping inside, she decided to take a shower first, so she warmed the water and got in.

'Alright, first the hair'

She ran the shampoo through her incredibly long lilac hair and made sure to get all of it, letting it sit and soon washing it off.

She moved to the rest of her body, closing her eyes and humming a tune while she did it.



Her eyes were still closed, but her back was warmer than usual, so she guess that Hornet jumped in with her.

"Haha, very funny Hornet"



She turned to look at her back, and she finally opened her eyes.

What she found was a cloud of red and black, rising from fire.

A burning building

"What the?!"

She tried to move, but couldn't, she looked at her self, and she was dressed back in her clothes.

'What the hell is this?!'

Looking around her, she saw nothing but smoke and fire, until a body flopped in front of her.

"Hey! You alright?!"

The person looked up, they were a child no older than 10, and they were terrified of her.

Kid: Go away! Please!

"Calm down! It'll be ok"

Kid: I don't believe you!

"It will, we have to go!"

Kid: No! Mommy and Daddy believed that, you monster!

She felt her hands get heavy, looking down, she noticed she had two fuzzy things in her hands, so she lifted them up.

They were the decapitated heads of a man and woman.

'How did they get there?! And why am I holding them?!'

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