Whatever part

15 1 14

Shrek pulls you into his embrace, clutching hard onto your body. You want to scream, but your mouth is full of onions, so it comes out muffled and dejected. Kind of like this: "MMMMMMMMMMMPHhhh" yeah. That's about right. Anyways, shrek squeezes harder, and harder. Your eyes are popping out of your socket now, and your brain is coming out of your nose. Shrek laughs and calls out to donkey.
"Yes shrek what do you want" donkey says.
"Bring me the swooooorrrrd" shrek demands. Donkey leave, and returns with the big sword of doom. Shrek takes it, and drives it into you toenail. The nail cracks, and your muffled, onion filled screams increase in volume.

It's not ogre.

Shrek and donkey kiss the end (for now)

shrek broke into your house.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat