Part 2

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I wake up in a cold sweat, shooting up out of my bed and glancing around the room nervously, then look at my clock. 9:27 a.m. Was it a dream? But it seemed so real... I decided it wasn't important and brushed it all off, tossing the covers away from myself and sliding out of bed, the floor cold on my feet.
After getting dressed, I leave my room, heading down the hall to the kitchen, nothing but breakfast on my mind. Taking a small detour to the bathroom to grab a tissue, i stop and examine my reflection. I do a little double-take, gasping. There was a scabbed over cut, right down the side of my neck. I had a flashback. The cold blade against my skin. The sharp thing as he pushed down lightly, cutting into my neck. Then nothing. So... it wasn't a dream? Then that means.. oh no. This isn't good. I go back down the hall, treading carefully just in case he was still here. I hear a noise in the basement... he must be there.
I go downstairs, determined to corner him, catch him, and ask him why the fuck he is here. I reach the basement and step out into the room, looking around, but it was too dark to see. The light switch is back at the top of the stairs, do I risk going back to turn it on? Yes. I begin to head back up the stairs, but stop, shocked. Shrek is standing at the top of the stairs, baseball bat in hands.
"This is my swamp now." He says, tapping the bat against his left hand, while holding it with his right. But suddenly, he raises the bat, aiming it towards my ankles. Before i can even comprehend what's happening I'm tumbling back down the stairs. The pain... it's unbearable. I could feel my bones snap, crackle and pop. I hit my head on the concrete floor of the basement, and begin to black out. Finally, i admit defeat, allowing the darkness to take over me.

Shrek- 2  Me- 0

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