Ink rolled his eyes. Error looked at the siblings while they had their 'fight'. "Is...Is this normal?" He asked, Ink and Drawing started at him and burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh...I forgot you were there!!" Drawing said through laughter. They both laughed, while Error just stared at them confused. 

"You don't have any siblings! That's why he's confused!" Ink said through his laughter. Error, looked at both siblings, he smiled and let out a small chuckle. 'Maybe...just maybe. This will turn out alright.' 

"How do you think our people will think of this?" Asked Mr. Comyet. "Well, sure we're going to form a truce with our lifelong enemy's going to be something they like since they're both males, haven't you heard of...what was it again?" Crayon put his hand on his chin to think. Comyet just sighed and looked away from the balcony they were on, "Yaoi, that's what it's called." He said with a half-smile. 

A few days later~

"So have you decided, a dress or a suit?" Drawing asked excited. Error just looked at her with a bored expression, "A suit obviously," He rolled his eyes. Ink, on the other hand, was looking at both of the options, he wasn't really sure what he should choose after all both of them seemed amazing. "Geezzz grumpy cat ok, I ain't here to judge. What bout you Ink? Have you made up your mind?" She smiled at Ink, who was nervously looking away from eye contact. "N-Not yet"

"Hey Dream have you heard the news!?" Blue practically screamed. "Yea, I heard." Dream answered. He had a frown on his face. But he was trying his best to hide it, but of course Blue noticed. "Hey, umm you've been kinda down for the past week. Especially ever since Ink came..." Dream jumped (a little). He was honestly praying for no one to notice that. "Its...It's nothing" He said with a forced smile. "It doesn't look like nothing," Blue said supiously. 

Dream looked at Blue, then away. 'What am I suppose to tell him?! That I have a crush on Ink and when he refused my mother's offer that kinda...broke me.' Deam stood up and walked out of the room they were in. "I'm going to talk to my mother...I'll see you later." He left Blue alone. 'Great. Just great drama.' 

"What do you need Dream? It has to be something important, after all, our chance to become stronger was failed thanks to you!" Dreams mother told him. "Umm, well...I was wondering if maybe I could visit Nightmare?" Dream said shrugging. His mother looked at Dream terrified, "No! Absolutely not! He and your father can stay in that corrupted land for all I care! But you are not going there! It could ruin you!" 

"But...why not?" Dreams mother always told him he can't visit his twin brother but he never really understood why. He asked once in a while if he could visit him when he really wanted to see his brother's face. And right now, he could really use his twin's advice. "Because, when your father left us and took Nightmare, he went to the land that's corrupted. You enter there, say goodbye to your happiness! Say goodbye to the real you! You are not going there!!" Dream sighted, "Yes mother." He then left the throne room....

 Ink  12: 40 a.m: Really? 

Blue 12: 45 a.m: Yeah, he won't even talk to me!!

Blue put his phone away in his pocket, 'There's gotta be a reason why he's avoiding everyone!' So he decided to head to Dreams room and force him to talk to him, half way there though he noticed a figure wearing a black cape, and since he was a guard he started chasing him. 

The figure started sprinting has fast as he could, but when he least expected Blue jumped in front of him. "Take off your hood!" He yelled to them. "Fine, fine you caught me." He took off his hood, to reveal who he was, and was Dream. 

"Dream wtf dude!!?" Blue let go of Dream confused as fuck. "Well...I was planning on sneaking out of the castle to go somewhere, but looks like you ruined my chance." He said annoyed. Blue looked at him with a confused expression, "Why the hell we're you trying to sneak out in the first place?" 

Dream turned to face him, "Well...I was..I..." He paused, the after an awkward silence he hesitantly said, "I was trying to visit the Negativity Kingdom." 

Blue stood there silent, "The Negativity Kingdom?! Are you crazy?! Why would you go there?!" He finally said after a few minutes. "I have my own reason!" Dream snapped. Blue looked down, he knew Dream never did anything without a good reason..."Ok then. I'll help you get there, but I have to come along," He said with a confident tone. "A-Are you sure?" Dream was surprised with Blue's answer. "Yeah, don't worry we're in this together! But we'll need extra help," 

"This is why you called me here?" Ink asked annoyed at Blue. He was already busy with the wedding plans, and Blue had forced him to come to the Positivity Kingdom to talk. "Yeah, it's 100% important I promise." Ink looked at Blue, he rolled his eyes before saying "Fine, what is it?"

"WHat?!" Ink asked surprised, scared but mostly worried all at the same time. "Blue, I told you this was a bad idea." Dream said. "Nonsense, Ink you have to help us! You know Dream never does anything without a good reason!" Ink turned his gaze away, he wasn't sure if he could help his friends...or if it was a good idea. "Are you even sure this a good idea?" Ink asked Dream, who had a hesitant look on his face. "I...I'm not sure, but i'm willing to risk it." Ink thought about his answer for a few minutes before saying....

"Well, I am getting married with someone from the Dark realm. Maybe he could help" Ink said with a nervous smile on his face. 

A prince in love  (ErrorInk)Where stories live. Discover now