Chapter 3

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Error was sitting down near the barrier between the Destruction and Creation Kingdom. "I can't believe this," He mumbled. After a while, Error finally got up and decided to head back to his house. 'Maybe my new partner won't be so bad' Error thought in his room.

"Come on Ink you can't be slacking about this!!" Drawing yelled at Ink while trying to pull off his blanket. "No thanks, i'm good" Ink told Drawing. "Why are you like this? You know what? I hope this 'Error' guy picks you!" Drawing said struggling. 

"Error?" Ink asked letting go of his blanket, while Drawing fell down. "Yeah! I did my research, the boys name is Error!" Drawing said getting up. "So I wasn't imagining it." Ink said in a whisper. "what did you say?" Ink turned to Drawing, "NOTHING!" He said getting up. 

"Wow? Are you suddenly interested in this boy~?" Drawing asked with a Lenny face. "What!? NO!" Ink yelled freaking out. "This is even worst then before!!" 

"What do you mean?"

Ink was walking back and forth repeatedly. "This is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad," Ink kept saying. "Woah, woah calm down, why is this bad?" Drawing asked confused af. "I can't marry my best friend!" 

"Wait best friend? Don't tell me hes.."

"Yes! He's my best friend ive told you about!" 

"Well~ Now we know who's he going to choose" Drawing said causally. "DRAWING!" 


With Error... "See simple son." Mr. Crayon told his son. "Simple? I'm suppose to choose who to marry, when I don't even know them!" Error yelled. "Well fine, I have a solution to the 'I don't know them well' " Error's father smirked. "Oh no...." 

When Error and his father arrived to the Creation Kingdom, "I'm sorry that my kids are taking a long time..." Mr. Comyet apologized. "It's fine, actually I wanted to talk to you about some things..." Mr. Crayon told Mr. Comyet. "Oh then, please start" 

While the Kings were talking Error was lost in a thought. Everyone he ever met suddenly just left his life. He didn't know why, the only person who didn't was Ink...and he probably left too... "INK I SWEAR-" Error quickly turned to the stairs, and there he saw Ink and Drawing fighting each other. 

"NOOO" Ink kept screaming to Drawing while she was trying to put something on him. When they realized where they were, their faces quickly heated up from embarrassment. "Why can't I have normal kids.." Mr. Comyet mumbled. Drawing and Ink quickly got off each other, and that's when Ink and Error made eye contact...which was the last thing Ink wanted. 

"Prince Error, I would gladly want you to meet Ink my son, and Drawing my daughter."  Mr. Comyet said. "It's a pleasure to two..." Error said a bit nervous. Actually scratch that REALLY nervous. "Nice to meet you too.." Ink said back avoiding eye contact, he couldn't see Error's face...and he didn't know why either. 

"Okay kids, you three are going to spend about 3 hours in this room." Mr. Crayon explained pointing towards a random room. "Why?" Drawing asked him. "To get to know each other, now go in have fun" He pushed the 3 of them in the room. 

"Welp Error, let's make this easy you're marrying Ink since you know him, and not me" Drawing said shrugging. Error's face blushed, Ink on the other hand was ready to smack the living shit outta of Drawing. "Drawing, sister I swear if I hear another word come out of your dumb ass mouth I will beat you up" Ink threaten. 

"Ok, Ok gezz. I was just trying to be helpful. You two could just be friends who are married, you know friends with-" Ink glared and Drawing. "Hahaha it's a joke!!" Error looked at both of them, he had to make a choice on who to marry. It was his choice, and he didn't want to pick the wrong one....

Ten minutes later~ 

"So i guess you could say this is a 24 hour challenged except it's 3..." Error joked. "Hilarious." Drawing said. The 3 of them were sitting around in a circle on the floor. "Why can't time go faster?" Ink asked blankly. "Ink time goes faster, if you have FUN" Drawing told him. 

"And right now, i'm 100% sure this is just awkward." Error said looking down. They sat there in silence for 5 more minutes before..."OK! I'm sick of sitting here. I'm sure they'll let us out early if you pick who to marry right?! Well please choose Error!" Ink desperately said. "Uhh..well...." Error was looking around the room. He didn't know who to choose. 

Ink and Drawing started at Error while he just looked around. "Well glitchy boy? Who ya gonna pick???" Drawing asked....


A prince in love  (ErrorInk)Where stories live. Discover now