Chapter 7 - Sweet Lark

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"To look almost pretty is an acquisition of higher delight to a girl who has been looking plain for the first fifteen years of her life than a beauty from her cradle can ever receive." - Jane Austen

Jane and I stayed upstairs while Caroline and the men were downstairs playing cards. Bingley had insisted that the sick bed be brought down every morning and upstairs every night. However, I was certain that Jane could not get better with Caroline breathing down her neck. Caroline was nice enough to Jane. In truth, she was kind to her. But, there was a certain degree of superciliousness in her manner that I did not care for. I did not wish to be even more of a burden than what Caroline believed us to be. Thus, the sick bed stayed upstairs.

Most modern women had taught themselves never to cry in public, and I adhered to the practice. There was something imposing about Darcy. He came across as haughty and proud. I had to keep reminding myself that I knew him. I knew there were several layers to him. I knew everything about him and yet, if I faced him again, I would cry! It is as though he could shoot laser beams with those eyes! If only Kryptonite were real!

Jane turned towards me, "Let us go downstairs, Lizzy."

I shook my head, "I can't."

"What will they think?"

"I cannot face them right now."

"Why?" Jane asked.

"In truth, I do not know," I whispered, "Mr. Darcy makes me nervous."

"Do you not think that you are doing the same to him?"

"What?" I angled Jane a look.

"Perhaps, we should go downstairs and then you shall witness, firsthand, the power you have over Mr. Darcy."

I obliged Jane, out of curiosity and because I desired to see Darcy squirm. I felt squeamish, and I was hoping that it was only the remnants of my flu. We walked into the parlor room. Bingley grinned, "We have decided to hold a ball next week, for, we think that Miss Jane and Miss Elizabeth shall feel better by then."

"God willing." Mr. Darcy fixed his eyes on me.

I stared at him in amazement for I could not tell if his remark was a smolder alert or a sarcastic dig at my expense. However, the intensity in his eyes made me wonder if he was attracted to me. Oh, my head was spinning!

Caroline looked at me, "It is better to make the ball two weeks from now, for, Miss Elizabeth is flushed."

I glanced at Darcy, and he looked away from me. He seemed a bit embarrassed.

Bingley addressed his sister, "Must you?"

"I only stated the obvious," Caroline said in a condescending manner.

Jane took me by the arm, "She needs to rest. We shall see you at dinner."

"How emotional they seem!" I heard Caroline exclaim, for, she thinks we are out of earshot.

"It is better to have emotion," Darcy responded, "than to be sensitively hindered."

Did Darcy defend us from the Dragon Lady? I thought to myself as I smiled.

Once it was dinnertime, I was back to my jovial self. I wore the prettiest dress I could find though it was not as stylish as Caroline's. I was confident I could rock this outfit with aplomb! There was no one downstairs yet and as I walked in; Mr. Darcy came in from the other entry. "Poor thing, he seems frightened of me!" I thought to myself.

He bowed with haste, and I curtsied, but, tripped over my foot. These damn dresses! He rushed over and placed an arm around my waist to steady me. A strong arm!

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