27. The Contractual Order

Start from the beginning

"Then I guess you better get a move on if you want to get some shut eye. First scene starts shooting at 6:30." Then he turned and left.

Was he crazy?

Dylan followed his departure with a loud guffaw.

He's crazy.

"What are you doing?"

"I always knew Declan was extreme, but this," he paused, "this is really extreme."

I was so over him. I looked for Tyler.

He'd offered to drop me off at my apartment every night if the shoot went late and he'd been doing so for the past week.

I spotted him talking to Harry by the catering table.

"Hey, where are you going?" Dylan asked as I walked over to them.

"Catching a ride," I answered as I continued walking.

"I can drop you off," he said.

"Thanks but no thanks, rich boy. Since we're going to be living together I'd like to enjoy my last minutes of freedom, away from you."

I didn't bother to listen to whatever he said.

"Hey guys," I called out to the two of them.

They both said their hellos.

"Ready to go?" Tyler asked.

"Not really," I managed to say, still pissed about the recent situation.

"Whoa, it's that time of the month, eh?" Harry asked cringing.

"What?" I said, confused. "No!" I added when I realized what he was talking about. "What the- Eew! I'd prefer that you not even try to think about me... in that light."

"What? We Brits like to speak our mind."

"And we Americans tend to prefer manners to boldness!"

He laughed. "Fine, fine. So, what's up with the whole I-drowned a cat look?"

I looked at the source of my torment.

"What did Rush do now?"

"Declan ordered us to move in together."

"Then why are you glaring at him and not Declan? It looks like he's the one suffering too." Tyler asked.

Dylan was pacing the set, brows furrowed in confusion.

"It's technically not his fault, but since he likes to torture me, I wouldn't put it past him."

Tyler chuckled. "Yes, you're right. I wouldn't put it past him to go to this extreme."

What did he mean?

"Do you want me to loan you the money?"

"What?" I screamed, surprised.

"The cancellation fee. Want me to loan it to you?" Tyler asked.

"No," I exclaimed. "No, it's... It's okay. I can handle Dylan. I'll just minimize communication with him." I smiled hopeful.

"Okay then. But let me know as soon as you change your mind, okay?"

I nodded, smiling genuinely at him. He was a good person at heart.

Why'd Stephanie leave him for that asshole?

* * *

Tyler dropped me off ten minutes later and only let me out of the car when I promised him that I would call him if anything happened or if Dylan tried anything.

I unlocked the door and opened the apartment and sighed in relief when I noticed that he hadn't moved in yet. Declan had given him a spare key before, so I had expected him to make his presence known. But thankfully he hadn't.

My phone vibrated, alerting me to a text message.


Seen him again?

Despite my hellish day and week I smiled. Mom and I had somewhat came to an agreement after out argument the morning after seeing Flynn Mathers. She decided to let me be if one, I stayed far away from Flynn Mathers and two, I came straight home once I finished up with filming. So everyday since that agreement she had texted me, asking me if I had. I couldn't help wondering whether she was curious about Flynn Mathers herself. She loved dad, that I knew without a doubt, but she unlike me, hadn't had her closure with Flynn Mathers.

After sending back a reply with a simple no, I rushed to the pantry and pulled out a cup of ramyeon noodles before heating it up. All I needed now was something easy, simple and quick so I could avoid the unwelcome guest that would be arriving soon. Instant food and then sleep.

After the ramyeon noodles were cooked, I tiptoed to me room (I know, why the hell am I tiptoeing in my own house?) I heard the door being unlocked from the outside. Shit!

Was it wrong of me to wish it was a burglar trying to get into the house and not Dylan?

I groaned as I heard his unmistakeable voice as the door opened, "Honey, I'm home! And I brought Chinese!"

No! I wanted to scream out. Get out! I like Korean food, not Chinese!


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Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now