~Chapter 1~

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(Hello! Remember this is before the toy animatronics and they were testing with mangle so yas, this is the resturant in the second game since it was a prequel, so ya!)

Mangle/Your p.o.v;
A small child walked up to you smiling widely, "Hi!". You smiled and kneeled down to his level. "Hello child, might I say you have a nice hat" he giggled and ran towards the other group of kids in the party room. Curiosity got the best of you and you began to walk towards the partyroom's entrance. You slowly poked your head out to look at the children, the same boy looked at you and cocked his head. "Mangle?" Swiftly and quietly you pulled your head back, 'Why do I always do this?' The head to your side turned to you. "Children can be very curious beasties dont ya think love?" He said to you,"Ya".

The same child ran out of the party room with one of his friends towards the arcade. "Matt hold up!" The smaller kid yelled to 'Matt'. "Fine but I want to try out the new game I saw the people put in!" Matt ran through the entrance of the arcade while the other child tried to tag along. A faint sound of metal screeching and rubbing came from down the hall, you climbed up the walls to inspects the sounds. The sounds got closer and closer as you went down the dark hall, two men came into view with Freddy laying flat on the floor. From what you could see they were messing with Freddy's controls, and were having fun doing it.

"Are you sure its going to work?" One of the men looked to the other with a worried expression. "Of course, I made it!" The other man remarked. They closed one of his lids and left through the back door. "Freddy? Are you okay?" No answer just a loud beep and he powered on, his eyes were black with only a white orb to show as eyes. You gasped and ran from the scene and into the arcade room. The two boys were messing with the game, both fighting over who's turn it is next. "Its my turn Tommy!" One stated, "You played before Matt!". Again but close you heard the metal screeching, the boys arguing was loud enough almost not to hear it, a dark silhouette appeared beside the two boys.

All of your instincts told you to attack the object, but for now you held still. "Hello" the Matt boy waved to it, Tommy did as well. A feeling of danger roamed through the air, without hesitation you attacked the being. The shadow of Jeremy came into your view, the boys gasped and froze in shock. You looked down at what you had attacked, to your suprise it was an empty bear suit. "But...Jeremy there was-" you felt four small arms hug you, pure shock was all you could feel. Quickly Jeremy pushed you and the children to the party room. "Thank you Mangle" a sniffle came from Tommy as he hugged you, "its fine child" you pat both of the children's back as they left into the crowd of children. "Jeremy there was someone there I know it!" He took off his hat and looked to you, "As long as the kids are safe its okay" you smiled. "I didnt mean to frighten the children though" your smile faded, Jeremy slicked his hair back. "They seem fine to me Mangle" you blushed and looked to the ground. "Who wants cake?!" Steve came into the party room with a plater of cake in his hands. All the children cheered to have some delicious cake, you smiled at the little reaction. 'Who was that messing with Freddy? And why?' That thought left you to think of 'What will happen next?'

Our painful love (Jeremy x Reader/Mangle)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora