"Damn it, old lady, you are making everything awkward", you say giving a hollow laugh to ease the tension. He fake laughs with you too but you both sense the thickness in the air between you both. Obito adjusts his shirt trying to fan himself and you turn on the AC instead. His heart was beating erratically since you took the bite of his chocolate, a simple act that you did without even thinking, but did send his brain into quite a drive. Now seeing you quiet and cutely blushing, he found it even hard to concentrate on having a casual conversation.

"She wasn't wrong you know", he starts after few moments of quiet and awkwardness that felt like an hour.
"About what?", you blurt out without thinking. You weren't sure if you wanted to know or talk about any of it.
"Maybe we should try moving on, how long will we keep hurting for the same people?", he says looking straight ahead. You do the same, with your hands in your lap, avoiding looking at him or touching him in any way.

"What are you trying to say?", you start. "You know what? Never mind, I don't want to have this conversation", you say and start the car. You decide you didn't want to know.

"I am just saying, how many times did you think of Asuma since we left the party?", he says finally turning his face to you. You still don't meet his eyes. You move your hands off the steering wheel and look out in the other direction.

"Probably once?", you say in a small voice, sighing and looking at Obito now.

He gives you a "See?" sort of expression knowing that you just proved his point.

"Thanks to you, I guess. Every year, going home from the fireworks does end up in me feeling lonely and crying to sleep, now that I think about it", you say giving a hollow laugh tears pooling up in your eyes. 

You feel sadder since you realize how much of your happiness is tied to one person, who does not even think of you. The fact that you are not in charge of your own happiness and your mood depends on this ridiculous one-sided love story that you have built up in your head for so long, just makes you feel worse.

He feels a tug at his heart with your sad expression and places his palm on your cheek to comfort you, rubbing it with his thumb expecting for the tear to fall. It indeed does fall and he wipes it quickly and looks at you. You lift your eyes to meet his and he leans in without thinking and places his lips on yours kissing you softly for a moment. He realizes what he did and moves further from you and sits back with his eyes jolted open.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to", he says looking at you but not meeting your eyes.

Your brain takes too long to catch up to what had happened. One moment, you were regretting ever falling for Asuma, the next you could feel Obito's soft lips on yours, his cologne filling up your senses with warmth. Your eyes were closed when his lips touched yours and you open when he pulls away, the sudden space in between you both making you hurt. You wanted to taste him again, this time paying attention but he says "I didn't mean to".

"You didn't mean to?", you blurt while your brain finishes catching up.

"I mean not that I didn't want to-", he adds quickly, not wanting to offend you. He couldn't read your expressions, he didn't know whether you wanted it or not, whether you hated him right now or not, all he knew was he wanted to comfort you and he probably did the exact opposite.

"Then finish it", you say looking at him blankly.
"Finish what you started", you repeat.

He closes the distance between you both and crashes his lips on yours, cupping your face with one hand while grazing a thumb over your cheek and using the other hand to balance himself. You hold his shirt with both hands and kiss him back. You lean into the kiss and he cups your face with both his hands and deepens his kiss. You move your one hand to his neck and one into his hair. His tongue pokes at your lips to ask for an entrance that you gladly grant. He explores your mouth and you do the same to him. He holds your tongue lightly between his teeth and sucks on it making you gasp. You break the kiss to breathe but neither of you changes the positions of your hands, his remain cupping your face and yours on his neck, you both gasping for breath. You look at each other and separate yourselves going back to your seats looking out of the respective windows.

~ But then there was you ~ [Modern AU: Obito x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now