Prologue: A Little bit of Background.

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I would consider myself a fairly well behaved kid growing up. I did extremely well in school, I followed the rules, and overall just stayed out of serious trouble. This doesn't mean I was perfect however, and I did get in trouble with authority from time to time, and by that I mean with my parents when it came to my laziness when it came to something like chores. Everytime I would get in trouble with my parents though, my Mom would always complain that she should've had a daughter. My dad would also often say that I don't deserve to be a man when he got really angry at me for my lack of interest in sports. Given all of this though, I recognized that my parents were just falling into stereotypes of Mothers wanting daughters and Fathers wanting a manly son, but I never really took it to heart. I never knew how serious both of them were until I got to College.    

 My name is Maxine, although that wasn't always my name as you can probably already tell by this point given the title of this story and the implications and fantasies that you are probably reading this for. My name used to be Max, or Maximus, which my parents declared my name if I was a boy after watching the movie "Gladiators" one night. Funny huh?  I'm also Half Asian, with my mother being from Japan and my father being from the U.S.A.

 During my entire childhood and adolescence, as I said before, I was a good kid however my parents were very overprotective. Like I mentioned above, they constantly spouted about how I should've been a girl or that I'm too weak and not manly enough, which can be partially attributed to my mother. During my childhood, she coddled me and essentially feminized me. She discouraged me doing excessive physical activity and when it came to exercise, she only really allowed me to do stretches and cardio, claiming that I was "too young" and that I was going to hurt myself lifting weights at the gym even though I was like 13-14 years old. She also prevented me from doing any sort of masculine sport, like football, when I was growing up, saying that I was going to get a hurt myself like getting a concussion or something worse. Essentially, she tried to make me as less manly as possible. 

 While my dad wanted to be manly, he was fairly submissive and a Yes Man, pretty much did whatever my mom wanted him to. This meant that throughout this story, he barely defended me and just followed my mother the entire time, and like I mentioned in the first paragraph, he also shared a bit of my mother's sentiment. All of these factors led me to being extremely socially awkward growing up in Middle School and High School. I really only had a small group of friends and we got bullied a good bit, but that's a story for another day and honestly isn't important anymore.

 This subtle social feminization by my mother actually makes more sense throughout this story, as it aided my physical transition and my mental feminization that my mother put me through for the majority of this story.  But anyway that's enough rambling, any questions you might have at this point will potentially be answered in the story itself.

This is the summer that changed my life...forever.

My Story of Forced Feminization, My Mother's Dreams Coming to Fruition.Where stories live. Discover now