Chapter Fourteen: Is this a Date?

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I look like hell! I took my hair down from a ponytail and the headband to let my bangs fall forward. I ruffled up my hair a bit so it wouldn't look too unkempt.

"Nice look," Roger said with a chuckle.

"Oh be quiet!" I exclaimed with an eye roll and a smirk.

"Could I come in? It's cold."

"I don't know you look cute with your nose bright pink. Maybe I'll leave you outside."

"You wouldn't, I'll drag you out here."

I laughed. He grabbed my hands and pulled me out the door. I fell into his arms.

"You b****rd!" I giggled through his coat. I tilted my head up and slapped him lightly on the head. We laughed together as my bare feet were growing numb.

"Fine, you win, come on in." I sighed teasingly.

Roger and I came inside, I shut the door behind him. My heart started thumping loudly. We're the only ones here.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked skeptically.

"Savannah told me," Roger explained, shrugging his shoulders and then smiling cutely.

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to ask you a few things..."

I felt the mood change drastically.

I stayed silent.

"It's leaving.".

I knew it bothered him. I winced, knowing this would come up soon. I knew this wasn't going to be a lovely conversation.

"Why? Why did you leave?" He pleaded. His smile was long gone.

I felt guilty, I stared at my toes.

"It's.... complicated."

I heard him sigh. I didn't want to anger him.

"Please tell me."

Struggling to find the correct way to reply I felt tears stinging the back of my eyeballs.

"Why do you care?"

Roger went silent, I think I pushed it too far. I glanced up at him, he seemed worried. The sparkle from his eyes went dull.

"I-" I managed to say before he cut me off.

"You scared me!" His voice rose in outrage, "I looked for you, I talked to Brian..."

My body stood still like a statue.

"I couldn't stay....with you." I managed to say through a stiff face.

He looked hurt so I quickly added,

"I needed to be independent, I couldn't stay forever."

"Without telling me!" Roger yelled.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, darting my eyes everywhere by him but not him. "I know you're upset with me and I know it will take time to forgive me. Then I glanced up, staring into his big blue eyes, " But I regret it."

I was afraid I was going to cry.

Roger went over to me and cupped my jaw in his hands.

"I care about you, do you know that?"

I closed my eyes, feeling a teardrop slide down my cheek.

"Uh-" Before I could tell him, Savannah walked in through the door.

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