Chapter Sixteen: Don't Stand So Close To Me

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Roger looks devastated. What else could I do? His sadness turned into anger immediately after the bus drove away. He yelled something I assumed was to me, but I couldn't hear him. It was too late.

I made it home and Savannah asked me baffled,

"What happened?"

I ignored her as I made my way to the bedroom. I was in an ugly mascara-streaking tears by that time. I didn't come out of that bedroom for a long time. I only left to use the bathroom, I didn't even leave to eat.

For the rest of the day, I stayed cooped up in that bedroom. I slept off and on. When I wasn't sleeping, I was either crying in bed, pacing back and forth, or using the bathroom.

When night fell, I decided to call Brian about time travel. I called a couple times but he didn't answer either one.

I dreaded going to work the next day. I was tempted to call in sick. I needed a day away from Roger and the rest of the group. I couldn't take a day off though, I already went home ill recently.

I barely slept through the night. I was too busy sobbing and dealing with extreme anxiety. How can I pretend to overlook Roger at work? I tried different scenarios but none of them seemed to work.

Savannah never checked up on me at all. I think she knew I needed to be alone. I'm glad she never checked up on me, but at the same time, I wish she had done so so I could feel cared for.

My heart was thumping rapidly when I arrived at work the next day. My stomach felt nauseous from my high anxiety. I thought I was going to pass out.

Unfortunately for me, I saw Roger right away with Freddie. Both of them gave me this horrendous death glare. I didn't know Roger could make such a look with that pretty face.

I felt like I was starring in Mean Girls except they're men. And I'm a girl from America.

I felt the tears flowing. I hurt Roger so bad, how can I get him to understand?

I figured out why Brian didn't call me. Roger must have told the whole band about me! The tears slipped down my cheeks. I need to go to the bathroom.

I splashed cold water on my face and took a deep inhale. Thank goodness I didn't have the energy this morning to put on makeup.

I glanced up at my reflection and saw Roger!

  "Roger! This is the women's restroom!"

He just glared at me with hate.

  "I need to talk to you."

I turned around so I could see him instead of his reflection.


  "Did I f***ing stutter?" he growled lowly.

I was taken aback. He was mean.

  "What do you want to talk about?"

  "About you. You better tell me what's going on with you."

I looked down. It's time to tell him the truth. I felt pins and needles stabbing my body. I told Roger everything. I told him about the Birthday party to waking up in England. He started at me dumbfounded.

”I had girlfriends in the past leave me for dumb reasons but this is by far the worst excuse I have ever heard!"

I was taken aback again. We were a couple?

"I'm I'm your girlfriend?" I asked.

  "Not anymore! I thought we were official yesterday!"

He huffed and held his hands into a fist.

He was about to leave. I grabbed his arm.

  "You got to believe me!" I cried.

  "I saw my fair share of sci-fi, but I don't believe in time travel!"

  "Even if I'm from the year 2020?"

  "Even if you're from 2020!"

Roger yanked his arm out of my grip and stormed out of the restroom.

I was stunned. I fell to my knees and sobbed loudly. How can I get Roger to understand what I'm saying?

After a few minutes, I stood up to stare at my reflection again. I scrunched up my face angrily.

"F*** you, f*** you, f*** you!" I yelled to myself.

Suddenly I saw the reflection of an old woman staring back at me. She had very long silvery wavy hair, with a purple 1800s-looking dress on.

I turned around and she was gone!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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