Chapter Two: Flash from the Past

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I woke up on a nicely made bed which I had never seen before. I didn't recognize the comforter and sheets. I tried to get up in a panic but I felt a large amount of weight pushing me back down. My head felt like it would explode as my stomach felt it was being stretched and squeezed in a tug-a-war.

I tried to rack my brain to what happened last night. My mind fogged up with no help to receive me. I rolled off the foreign bed and fell. I pulled myself up using the support of the headboard and made my way over to the wall to lean against. My head was spinning around. Is this what a hangover feels like?

The last I remembered was meeting a cute guy and joining a group of his friends. He had three guys with him and we talked and danced together. I told Mom I was going home with a friend and I would see her tomorrow...

My heart dropped, and I felt guilty, I left Mom for what, a stranger?

I yelled out his name. The only response I got was the echo of my rattled voice. I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack! I investigated the room; the place was practically deserted except for the unpacked boxes stacked in the corner.

"Hello? Anybody?" I screamed out.

Hello? Anybody? Hello? Anybody?

I noticed my purse was right next to me on the floor. Oh, thank goodness! I searched through my purse and found out my money and ID were gone! Someone has my ID and is probably pretending to be me! I felt a crinkle in my bra, at least I still have my emergency money. My phone was still there so I tried to call Mom. No reception! I thought I was going to vomit, so I paced around the small bedroom.

All of a sudden, I heard the door swing open. I shoved my phone back in.

"Who are you?!" A man roared, holding up a baseball bat.

Everything flashed before my eyes. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't having a drunken nightmare.

He took a step forward.

I stepped back, startled.

I felt my heart leap into my throat.

"I-I don't know where I am", I shuddered in fear. Tears flooded my eyes, making my vision blurry. I wiped them away with the back of my hand.

The heavyset man glared at me with laser eyes.

"Get the h*** out of my house!" he demanded, ignoring my rambling. "I mean it, get!"

The man grabbed my arm and pulled me into long strides. As I made it onto the front porch, he slammed the door immediately. I ran off his yard looking back to see him peering at me behind some curtains.

I sprinted down the nearest alley with the cold wind slashing me in the face. I clenched my hand over my chest.

What's going on?

My head pounded. I stared at my distorted reflection in a dirty puddle. My knees fell to the ground. I replayed everything that happened last night and this morning in my mind repeatedly.

I looked up and took the time to breathe and focus on the street by my right side. I saw phone booths.

Where am I?

From the accent of the man, he was...British? No! That can't be right, this is so surreal and illusory. Maybe I had way too much to drink and I'm still dreaming. I slapped and pinched myself awake. Instead of getting my point across I appeared to look like an idiot.

A woman, looking like she was in her mid-forties came over and asked if I was alright.

"No, I don't know."

She gave me a skeptical look over her glasses, studying my clothes up and down.

"Where am I?"

"You're in London of course, dear. You need to stop drinking or doing drugs."

My body froze in place like a statue. Before my mouth could manage to ask any more questions she turned away. I heard her mutter under her breath, "Those bloody hippies."

I was alone and trapped like a bird in its cage.

So let me get this straight: last night I was at a bar not far from my hometown in America then boom! I woke up in London, England. This is so wrong! Somebody has to be pulling a prank on me!

I shuffled over to the nearest cafe to get more information from people to know exactly where I was. I must be hallucinating, maybe the man I was with last night added something to the drink he offered me. How could I be so stupid?

I entered a coffee shop and rushed up to the cashier woman.

"May I help you ma'am?" She asked, pushing a few strains of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Yes," I answered sheepishly, "I'm just wondering what year is this?"

The young lady looked at me like I was a complete lunatic.

"Are you alright love?"

"No, I'm not." I choked back a lump in my throat, "I am lost and the man I was with last night ditched me."

People in the shop were shooting me nasty looks from above their newspapers. I felt my cheeks burn up like a blow dryer set on high in my face.

"Do you at least know where I could get the daily news?" I begged feeling myself shrink.

"Right outside the building," she said gently, "but please leave or I will get the manager."

Outside the shop, I spotted a newspaper stand. I peered over the glass.

February 22nd, 1974

I rubbed my eyes and reread the date. This can't be possible! Time travel only exists in movies, I must still be dreaming! Snap out of it Briana! You haven't eaten in a while and need to drink some water to clear your headache.

Later that day after no results of having people understand me, I stumbled across a bar for some odd reason to ask for a glass of water. I only have so little cash on me and have to make it last.

Going into the bar took me back when just last night I went with Mom. I was terrified of going in alone, especially from my awful experience. I took a deep breath and took a seat at one of the front stools.

"May I help you young lady?" a gentleman at the counter asked me while drying off a beer glass. He grinned at me sweetly.

"May I have a glass of water?" I hesitated.

He looked astonished by my question.

"Just water?"

"I know it sounds silly but I am lost and need a drink of water to clear my head."

"Of course I understand---just let me know if you need anything else."

I smiled at his generosity, I dug through my purse to pay him.

"Nah, keep the money, it's just water after all."

I breathed in relief,

"Oh, thank you, you're too kind!"

He let out a deep chuckle,

"It's no problem, a pretty lady like you doesn't need all this distress."

I felt tons of weight lifted off my shoulders. I have water to help me focus and a nice, understanding man who made my dreadful day have a peek of light.

Suddenly I was startled by a man's voice booming through a speaker along with many excited people.

I turned myself around to see what the whole commotion was about. The crowd was focused on a man on stage.

"Are we ready for some music out tonight!"

Mild applause and positive cheering filled up the building. I pushed myself into the crowd to see who the band was.

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