Chapter Ten: Roommates

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You were asleep on a bed in the guest room. The woman bundled you up with blankets. The man woke up and had a conversation about you with his wife over breakfast.

"I think it's a good thing what you are doing, but do you ever think about what kind of person she might be?" The man explained, taking a sip of his tea.

"I don't care what type of person she is, I wanted to take care of someone in need and she was going to die! I will regret it if I didn't help her for the rest of my life."

"But have you seen her clothes? It was her fault!"

"Maybe so, but we don't know her story. So please when she wakes up, give her a warm welcome."

The man was silent. He chewed his breakfast slowly, then swallowed.

"I will try." He eventually responded.

Last night: Roger's point of view

I knocked on Brian's door. I hope he didn't already go to bed. I was in a bad mood and needed a friend to talk to. I knocked on the door again harder this time. He eventually answered.

"Roger, what do you want?" He yawned.

"Brian, please let me in," I begged.

"Okay." I could tell he understood.

He and I got a drink and sat on the couch.

"What's on your mind?" He asked.

I racked my mind of all that happened tonight, from shagging this girl to Briana up and leaving. I felt hurt. I told Brian everything.

"She's gone?" He exclaimed.

"That's what I just said." I sighed.

"Did you do something?" He asked.

My blood boiled.

"No Brian, I didn't do anything!"

"Sorry," he said, putting his hands up, "no need for yelling."

"You just made it seem like I was to blame for her disappearing."

"I didn't mean to sound like that, I just want you to think about what could have happened to make Briana have the desire to leave."

I put my face in my hands. I am so confused.

"Do you want to stop talking about it?" He asked.

I nodded at him, Brian is a loyal friend. I wanted to crawl to bed and hoped this was all just a dream. How could she do this to us?

I woke up and panicked when I found out I was in an unfamiliar bed for the third time, it's a new record. I tried to remember last night; I did remember leaving Roger's flat and crashing down behind a bar. I cried and cried I'm here?

I pulled all the blankets off of me, which was towering high like a fence. I noticed my purse was lying down on the nightstand next to the headboard. I rummaged through my purse to make sure everything was still there, thankfully it was.

I got hit by a severe sinus headache and stuffy nose. I shouldn't be surprised if I ended up with a cold.

A few minutes later I drank in the atmosphere of the room I was in. It was beautiful, simple, and welcoming. Next to my purse, was an outfit already put together. There was also a note attached:

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