2#: Teasing a Chat

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AN: feel free to correct grammar/spelling mistakes


"I'm going to do it," Marinette said confidently.

Alya, who was sitting on the other side of the table, spit out her water, "I'm sorry, what, girl?" She asked.

"I'm going to do it," Marinette repeated

She was going to do it. Something she had procrastinated for two years, Marinette was going to confess her profound love to Adrien Agreste. This attempt wasn't going to end unsuccessful like her other ones. She was doing it on her terms, with no one forcing her to do it.

"Well, good luck with that girl, I gave up any hope that you would last year,"

"Do you know where Adrien is?" Marinette asked. Alya shrugged, "No,"

Nino, who had been sitting next to Alya, looked up from his phone and shrugged, " He might be in the locker room. He goes there during lunch break sometimes, I would check there." Marinette thanked Nino and scurried off.

Marinette found herself in front of big dark wooden doors.

That's when she actually grasped what she was about to do, "I can't do it, I can't do it," Marinette panicked.

"You can do it, Marinette!" A squeaky voice called from her purse, "You're Ladybug, you defend Paris daily, just summon some of your Ladybug courage," Marinette

Marinette took a deep breath and smiled, "You're right. I can do it. Thanks, Tikki, you're the best kwami I could ever ask for."

She took another deep breath before pushing the door open. Huh? Adrien wasn't at his locker, he wasn't there at all.

Marinette was perplexed, "Huh? Where is he? Tikki, do you think he's behind there?" Marinette whispered, pointing at the lockers on the other side of the room.

"I can go check if you want?" By now Tikki had flown out of Marinette's purse.

Marinette kissed Tikki's cheek, "Thank you so much, Tikki!"

Tikki flew towards the lockers before phasing through them, she stuck her tiny head out the other side.

"Camembert, oh my sweet camembert," Plagg sang as Adrien handed a slice of stinky cheese to him. Tikki wrinkled her nose, Plagg, and his nasty cheese.

"Oh, my sweet camembe-"

"Shut up!" Adrien blurted out, red in the face, from annoyance.

"You wouldn't understand my love for camembert, kid," Plagg said, mouth full of cheese.

Adrien scoffed, "It's not like you understand my love for Ladybug," Tikki's left eye twitched, Marinette would get rejected if Adrien didn't know Marinette's identity, and she had had enough of these oblivious idiots. They were worthlessly pinning for each other and unaware of each other's identity. And now that Marinette was the guardian, it wouldn't hurt for them to know each other's identity, in fact, might actually help. Yet, they were still blind to their identity. 

But that wouldn't last for long.

Tikki smirked a devilish smirk that didn't belong on her sweet kwami face, before making her way back to Marinette. 

"He's there!" Tikki said sweetly. 

you'll thank me later, Tikki thought before flying into Marinette's floral studded purse. 

"Hmph, let's do this Tikki!" Marinette said confidently, marching over to the lockers.

"You're an idiot, Plagg," A faint voice carried the words from behind the lockers. Marinette froze, was Adrien...talking to someone? Eh, probably just on the phone. She resumed walking, the closer she got the louder Adrien got, yeah, he was unquestionably talking to someone.

Marinette backed onto the lockers before sneaking over to get a peek at Adrien, no, she was not spying or stalking, she was simply... assessing her surroundings.

She turned around to see Adrien and...Plagg? Marinette held back a strangled noise, she had have been seeing things. She shook her head vigorously before turning her head back over towards Adrien. 

Turns out she wasn't seeing things. 



Marinette clutched her stomach

I think I'm gonna be sick


"Adrien is Chat Noir, and you knew the WHOLE TIME!" Marinette exclaimed towards Tikki as she paced, Tikki simply nodded as she chewed her cookie. "And you purposely made me find out!" Tikki nodded again.

"Tikki.Why." Marinette interrogated. 

Marinette had tried her best to avoid Adrien for the duration of the school day, due to her newfound knowledge, now she was at home, grilling (why am I imagining Marinette trying to barbecue Tikki?) Tikki for answers.

"Because you guys (I started typing gays, I need to stop reading solangelo and haikyuu fanfics) are idiots, and needed a push, besides you're the guardian now, knowing Chat Noirs secret identity will benefit your relationship and the safety of Paris," Marinette's, supposedly sweet kwami said.

"But, It's a secret identity, for a reason," Marinette seethed.

"Secret to the world, not to the two of you, now stop whining like a baby and loosen up, at least you like him, a pair of mine and Plagg's previous chosen hated each other, you're lucky," considering that she was supposedly lady luck, Marinette wasn't surprised that luck had led to her current position or rather lack of it.

Marinette sunk farther into her chaise, knowing that Tikki was close to winning this argument, "Hmph-"

"Now before you say anything, this conversation is over, you go get that boy. You would have been overjoyed to know that Adrien felt the same about you, why aren't you bouncing off the walls from excitement?" Tikki asked, sassily. Marinette really shouldn't have let Plagg and Tikki visit each other, he was to blame for Tikki's sassy attitude. 

But Tikki's words did hold truth, Marinette loved Adrien, who was Chat Noir, Who loved Ladybug, which was her. Go get that boy. Tikki's word rang through Marinette's head like the vibrations of a bell. Oh, she was going to get him but first, she was going to have some fun.

After all, Tikki had said to loosen up.

Marinette smirked a trademark Chat Noir smirk that didn't belong on her face before plopping down into her chair. She had some planning to do.


I hope you guys liked this chapter, don't forget to request on the request form(the first chapter of the book)!!! 

Also, don't forget to comment and/or vote so I know who's reading this crap!!

(1068 words including ANs)

Don't forget to stay safe, wear a mask and social distance, love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ba bye my Weirdo's (that's what ur new names are, the people who follow/read my work are now Weirdo's)


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