Chapter-2 (Rules)

Start from the beginning

In the event students are absent during the 8 AM or 8 PM roll call, five points will be taken for each student absent.

In the event a student is found guilty of an act of violence toward another class, robbing another class, or causing damage to another class' property, etc.. the offending class to which the student belongs will immediately be disqualified, and the individual will forfeit all of his or her private points."

It clearly was a competition of qualities like restraint, discipline and endurance. Our class points of the first month were deducted on nearly the same basis but in a much favourable environment and amidst lack of knowledge.

"Chabashira-sensei, are all classes going to have a roll call at the same place?''

"No, each class will have their roll call held at the base camp of their choice. But once the base camp is decided it cannot be changed without a justifiable reason, so think long and hard about the location you will choose as the base camp."

I see so that is how it is. Gradually the test is taking its shape but the question still remains of how we are going to spend our points.

"And sensei about a toilet? Are there some installed around here at every spot?"

"About that, you are on a survival test, do not expect such lax solutions."

Wait... what?

Sensei took out a basic toilet from the stack of cardboards stacked behind her. I was wondering what was there since we already had the watches on our wrists.

"This is a basic toilet. Each class will be supplied with one so handle it with care."

"You are not asking me to use that, right?" This time not Ike but Shinohara-san was the one to protest.

"Both boys and girls can use it. But do not worry, it comes with a single button tent so that no one can see you."

Chabashira-sensei explained as she set up the toilet with quite familiarity. She explained how it solidified the waste and suppressed the smell. It surely was reusable due to unlimited supply of vinyl bags but in the end it was too much of a compromise to the girls, who watched the process in disbelief.

"There is no way, I cannot do this at any cost!"

Karuizawa-san was the first to break the silence as all her friends joined her in the protest.

"Come on, just deal with it. Fighting won't bring you another toilet."

Ike.. now would not be a good time to try reasoning with them.

"Don't screw around! It might not matter to you but I can definitely not use the cardboard as a toilet for a week.''

Shinohara-san was ready to crush Ike alive if it was for a peaceful toilet.

"The decision is yours. However, you are not allowed to relieve yourself in the surroundings."

"But, there is no way I can accept this!"

"You have no other choice, Shinohara. You cannot go a week without using the restroom right?"


Shinohara stood there speechless, Ike had clearly won this round. She looked at Ike as if she wanted to kill him the very first chance she got. These two surely are not doing well.

"You all can discuss it afterwards, I will proceed to explain the additional rules."

Everyone forgot about the toilet for the moment.

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