Randomness 3: Teaching Little Tenma to Fly

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Third POV:

Assassins Tenma turned into a five-year-old but seemed to still have his abilities. Everyone except Endou, Otonashi, and Kidou was in the living room, some we playing with Tenma and then a white aura surrounded him and he turned into his soul power form. He then brought out his wings and the Raimom assassins were surprised.

Then Agashi and Error appeared out of nowhere and was also surprised to see Tenma.

"*gasp* did he just bring out his soul power form?" Agashi said.

"Seems like it," Aoi said.

Agashi then had an idea and Error noticed.

"Brother, don't you dare," Error said.

"Hey Tenma, want me to teach you how to fly?" Agashi asked.

"No Agashi!" all the Raimon assassins and Error shouted in unison.

"Yes," Tenma said with a smile.

Everyone was pretty shocked and Agashi was smiling intensely.

"Okay buddy," Agashi then held Tenma by the hand and disappeared.

"I know where he got teleported," Error said and then clapped his hands together and all of them got teleported.

When they arrived, they were on a very tall tower and saw Agashi holding Tenma over the edge.

"Here. We. Go!" Agashi said and then threw Tenma off the tower. Tenma was seemingly having a good time.

All the Raimon Assassins ran to the area he was thrown and looked down.

"He's still not flying," Kariya said.

"He will," Agashi replied with a smile while looking down at the edge.

"Still not," Tsurugi said and was very concerned.

"It will happen," Agashi replied still smiling.

"This is a tall tower," Shinsuke said while being scared and concerned.

"That's why it's good," Agashi replied.

"Y-you should get him," Kirino said.

"He's gonna fall to his death," Aoi said, being very worried about his friend.

"He's taking his time," Agashi replied.

Tenma then started screaming and everyone was getting more worried, even Agashi.

"Agashi!" Shindou shouted.

"I did that my first time," Agashi said with a nervous smile.

"He's getting too close to the ground!" Error shouted.

"You know what," Agashi said and quickly brought out his shadow wings, "He's not gonna fly."

Agashi quickly jumped off to rescue Tenma, which was a success. Error teleported Tenma's friends back to base and Agashi teleported back to base with Tenma in his arms.

From then on, Agashi was pretty much taught a lesson and Agashi remembered never to throw Tenma off the tower, or does he?

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