Randomness 2: Where are you Going?

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Third POV:

Tenma was in the living room with Nishiki, Midori, and Sangoku. Tenma and Sangoku were watching Nishiki and Midori fight in the game. They then heard the door open and they immediately knew it was Shindou, Kirino, Aoi, Shinsuke, Cole, and Athena.

"Ohayo mi-" Tenma was about to greet his friends that arrived back but was shocked to see them hurt.

Tenma and Sangoku then went to them, Midori and Nishiki paused their game and check up on them too. Athena was doing a human crutch for Cole, Shindou was carrying an unconscious Kirino on his back, Aoi was clenching her arm and has some blood coming out of her forehead, and Shinsuke also had blood coming out of his wounds. They sat them down on the large couch while Kirino was laying down.

"You guys are bleeding, I'll go get the medkit," Sangoku said and then left.

"What happened?" Tenma asked.

"Well, we went to the park and, encountered with our past tormentors. They beat us up and we obviously fought back, although we couldn't go all out cause it might give them a hint that we are assassins, Kirino got knocked out, Aoi got hit in the arm with a bat, Shinsuke was thrown into a tree, that's why his head was bleeding, Cole, Athena and me got a lot of the beating," Shindou said.

Tenma was shocked and clenched his hand into a fist, his bangs shadowed his eyes.

"Do you know where they are?" Tenma asked in a tone that kinda scared his friends.

"They might still be at the park," Cole said.

"Thanks for telling me," Tenma said and turned the way to the door.

He then started walking towards the door to the outside, confusing everyone.

"Where are you going Tenma?" Aoi asked.

"Either get some bubble tea for us or go ahead and 'talk' with those guys," Tenma said in a kinda creepy in the second choice, scaring his friends a little.

"I'll decide on the way," Tenma said and then left.

"Remind me not to get on his bad side," Cole said.

"Noted," Athena replied.

~Meanwhile with the tormentors~

They were nine of them sitting on the benches talking, some of them were kinda injured. There are two of Shinsuke's tormentors/bullies, two of Aoi's tormentors, two of Cole and Athena's tormentors, and two of Cole's and Athena's tormentors.

"Can you believe those guys, how dare they," one of Cole and Athena's tormentors said.

"Yeah, they finally had the guts to fight back, but they are still weak as always," one of Shindou and Kirino's tormentor said.

"I agree, but that little freak Shinsuke still believes those 'nightmares' were real. He probably is just looking for attention," one of Shinsuke's tormentor said.

Little did they know, some walked to the from behind.

"Hey!" the person said, catching the nine tormentors' attention.

"Who are you?!" one of the tormentors said.

"That's something I wouldn't tell you," Tenma replied, "So, do you know anyone by the name Shindou, Kirino, Aoi, Shinsuke, Cole, and Athena?" Tenma asked just to make sure.

"Oh, you mean those freaks," Shinsuke's tormentor said.

When he called Tenma's friends freaks, Tenma got angry, but he tried to hold it back, not just to cause a fight, but to make sure a certain someone doesn't take control of him.

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