Strangers Talks

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Author's POV

( Someone shouted louder aand banged the door)
All of a sudden with a jerk Vanaa detangle from their hug and gently pushed him away. Surya was blank for a moment. He looked at Vanaa confusedly, she was embarrassed and turned her head towards the door, only then he noticed that someone was banging the door by calling his name.

Soon he realised that voice belongs to his grandmother. Without a delay he rushed to the door and opened it, his grandmother was standing there worriedly with a tearful eyes. He was shocked to find his grandmother messed up, he immediately touched her shoulders and asked her what happened.

"Surya, your thatha (grand pa)... He is not well" she said and cried louder on her knees.

Surya was shocked and immediately ran to his grandparents house next to their villa. Meanwhile Vanna listened everything and she came forward to take care of grand ma. She made her stand on her feet, slowly made her sit on sofa and gave her water to drink.

She couldn't not control her tears grandmother asked her to take her down to grandfather. Though Vanaa was hurt with her injuries she carefully helped her to reach the entrance.

In the meantime Vanaa informed Aathira about the situation and everyone in the house gathered down. Soon after grandpa was admitted in hospital and everyone in the family went there except Aathira and Vanaa. Surya told them to stay back thinking about Vanaa's health.

In hospital grandpa was treated for a heart attack, though it was a second attack he was critical. Everyone were worried Surya's mother and Aathira's mother tried to console grandma.
Surya tried to contact his father who was in business trip.

Vanaa and Aathira were worried at home and they were updated by Aathira's mother. Aathira was completely broken and cried miserably, Vanaa tried to console her. They both stayed whole night awake worrying about grandpa's health condition.

Vanaa's POV

Next day morning still there was no improvement in grandpa's condition. I know how much it hurts Surya because he loves his grandfather more than anyone. I felt I should stay with him right now his father was also not there, Shiv anna also out of city, so he might be handling everything alone. More than that grand ma would be completely shattered, I want to be with her.

Aathira was always crying whole night I felt it would be better if we goto hospital. So early morning Aathira and myself went to the hospital. But we forgot to inform Surya so he got angry and shouted at us, but I was happy because he worried about my health even though in this situation.

"Aathira why did you come here?? I told you both to stay at home??" Said Surya angrily looking at my face.
Aathira was weeping continuously and scared to answer her brother.

" No... don't scold her it was my decision, she did nothing. I brought her with me, she was also crying whole night. I felt it would be better if we stay here" I said to him slowly looking at his face.

He was calm didn't shout like before but still he was worried and looked at my injury. I smiled and said " I'm alright Surya I can stay here I will take care. Trust me". He smiled faintly and asked me to be take care.

We went to grandma and I sat next to her she looked so tired and weeping continuously. We all gave her a hope and tried to console her but she worried a lot. Shiv anna parents were also there so everyone prayed for grandpa's welfare.

Afternoon doctor said grandpa was out of danger and he will be in observation for a day. All felt relieved and saw grandpa without disturbing him. Grandma looked weak due to the stress and sleepless night, also everyone in the family were tired so evening Surya sent them all home. I volunteered to stay with him until someone come back. First he was reluctant then he agreed, so I stayed back at hospital to take care of grandpa until tomorrow morning.

We both were sitting alone at hospital lobby. He said how he was worried about grandpa, he shared some of his childhood memories with grandpa and smiled thinking about those days.
I felt content seeing him talking with me whole heartedly, genuinely this was our first pleasant conversation after our marriage. He spoke a lot I listened to him and shared some of my childhood memories.

In between we checked grandpa's health condition,he was quite stable and sleeping due to the medications.
He updated his family everything about grandpa and later we both had our dinner at canteen.

It was late evening, Shiv anna came to hospital he saw grandpa with Surya and they both started to discuss about their business. After sometime Shiv anna left , we sat in a lobby Surya took out his laptop and started to do some office work.

He said ,"Vanaa I have some emergency work, it will take sometime. You can sleep if you are tired. I think it's better if you sleep now, you didn't sleep yester night too".

I said " It's ok Surya, I'm fine... I will wait until you finish your work", his lips raised up.

"Hmmm... did you take your medicines????". He asked me with a true concern. I just nodded my head and smiled slightly.

"Hmmm ok if you feel sleepy you can sleep on the extra bed inside grandpa's room I will sleep on this sofa", said Surya.

I tried to say something but before that he interrupted and said ,
" listen already you are injured and tired, so you must get good sleep. Tonight I will manage here, no more arguments my decision is final", I was on cloud nine. I was impressed with his care, I smiled wider and nodded my head in anticipation.

Then he gave a gentle smile and went into his office work, I heard songs in my mobile checked something in internet and felt bored. Then and there I checked him still he was busy in his official work.

I waited for him for somemore time, when I checked the time it was half past eleven, soon after I felt bored and I moved from lobby and went for a short night walk.

It was a chill night time after so many days I felt content nowadays I realised Surya was not rude to me. Infact he care about me now I had a ray of hope about my future with Surya. Definitely he will understand my love and accept me whole heartedly. Thinking about him I crossed the garden and went to the adjacent building, it was a hospital store room.

Suddenly I heard a strange voice from there, a man was shouting following him another man was saying something, it was like some kind of argument. Something I felt fishy in my mind, that first voice was very familiar , so I moved towards that direction to know who was it?? Some kind of unknown fear surrounded me but I didn't stop, slowly without a noise I took my baby steps and went near the window, and checked inside. I saw their faces, they were unknown to me but when I listened to their conversation and I was dead shocked.

To be continued....

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