Vanaa's Day Out

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Vanaa's POV

After a week...

A week passed after I started to live in Surya's house, slowly I was getting habitual in this new place. Nothing changed much everyone speaks politely even Surya didn't pick a fight with me wantedly, but except my mother in law. I understand she couldn't tolerate my presence in this house, but I was puzzled why so much hatred for me?? Anyway little I felt better was about my father in law he never spoke any rude words as well as kind words.

But I ignored her taunts silently and tried to mingle with others. Especially Aathira she was so kind and lovable girl, I felt a sister bond with her. Ofcourse I do have my own sister but she never shared any such love or bond with me.Manytime I missed my family I was longing to see them, but I was not dare enough to go against Surya.

Today Surya's grandma asked me to cook for them I was excited so much because technically this was my first cooking experience in his house. So I was super excited to cook for them, I decided to prepare a traditional complete meals. Surya left to office today earlier so I was more comfortable and spoke with my family.

I went to their house next to Surya's house by morning 10.30. Shortly Aathira too joined me to help me in cooking, I refused her help but she insisted and helped me in chopping and cleaning, we had a great fun. Finally by afternoon we finished everything, we prepared drumsticks Sambar(Dhal), Rasam, Vathal Kuzhambhu, potato fry, beans usli, rice kheer and pappad.

I arranged everything neatly on the table and went to call grand pa and grand ma but to my shock Surya and his cousin Shiv was there. I was at cold feet to move further but Aathira cheerfully went ahead of me and asked them to join for lunch.

"Surya Anna!! When did you come?? How come you are at home this time??" asked Aathira.

"Yeah Aathira we have an important meeting today but I left the file at home so we both came here to take it" said Surya.

"That's great Anna you came at right time today you both have lunch with us" said Aathira cheerfully.

First he was hesitated then he agreed after knowing the fact that I cooked everything. I was astonished why he chose he stay back after , sometimes he was a mystery I can't understand is mind from his face.

We served the food everyone praised me even grandma gifted me a pair of bangles for its taste except Surya, but unfortunately I was expecting his answer atleast his content reactions from his face but he was a man of stone his face was so deep nothing I can read from it. After food he didn't even look at my face and walked straight away to my disappointment.

After that incident he didn't turn up that night moreover next two days I didn't see Surya at home, Aathira told me he was on business trip he will come only after a week. But something disturbed in my mind that he didn't mind to inform me. Then
I convinced myself who am I to him?? To expect him to inform me.

Days passed very slowly, I felt bored at home suddenly I got an idea to step out of the house for something really important. I went to Aathira and asked her about her college culturals which was scheduled to be at next week(she told me earlier).

"Yeah Anni I was doing my practice with my friend, hope we will win the trophy" said Aathira excitedly.

I said"Cool it's always interesting to be a part of culturals I always loved it.
So did you get your attire for dance??"

She was little sad and said, "No Anni, I have to do shopping all my friends finished there shopping mine was pending" she pouted her lips sadly.

"Oh that's sad really, why can't you do that shopping today,now???" I asked her innocently.

She was super excited but she said that she want someone to come with her since her brother and mother never allowed her to go alone. I was pretty sure she would say this.

"Oh ok fine then you can take aunty (her mom) with you today?? " I suggested her.

"No Anni I can't ,she went to temple with Grandma" said Aathira sadly. (Which I know before I question her)

"Oh then who will accompany you now??" I asked her. Suddenly her eyes twinkled and asked me,
"Anni will you come with me??"

I felt happy but didn't let her know because originally I planned to go out by using her. I know I was cheating an innocent girl but it was my helplessness. Anyway I want to go out.

I asked her "what about your brother, if he come to know that I went out he will scold me. So I can't come Aathi"

"He will not know about this Anni. Because tomorrow evening only he will come. He himself told me yester night" said Aathira excitedly.

Then I nodded and decided to use this chance. Immediately I texted someone to meet me in a particular place after an hour. We both informed my MIL and stepped out in Aathira's two wheeler. My MIL gave me killer gaze but I shrugged it, I know she can't stop me because, she was afraid of Surya's rage. Which was my good so I was escaped.

After many days I enjoyed two wheeler ride with a fresh air and without any restrictions. We both went to a mall and stepped into the popular dress designer studio. There Aathira shows some pictures and asked the woman to get her such type dress in same colour. Out of that she tried some and she was not happy with any. I suggested her to check in some other shop, she nodded and we both went to another shop in the mall.

We were checking the dresses she was trying one after another, suddenly I got a call from a known number. Without her knowledge I cut the call and excused myself from Aathira with a reason, I said her that I want to use the restroom. So she asked me to go while she was much busy in picking her dresses. So I went out of the shop immediately and found a toy shop in a same floor where I was supposed to go. I stepped in the shop and searched for that person impatiently.

The shop was too big with many sections, so I can't waste my time in searching. What if Aathira search for me so, I have to return soon before she suspect so, I called that person and finally went to the toddlers section.

When I looked around for that person someone blind folded my eyes.....
I felt dark.

To be continued....


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Meenakshi Jothi

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