He Returned

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Vanaa's POV

Almost a week completed after my marriage,and my husband left me. But still there was no information about Sanaa,because of that selfish girl we are all suffering. If I get to see her I will kick her definitely for messing our lives. After she eloped my family lost its happiness, they all looks in guilt for marrying me to him in Sanaa's place.

Even I was confused now, what to do now?? Though I was married I can't tell this truth to the world. Everyone believes that it was my sister Sanaa got married to him.

The painful truth was my husband and his family was also not ready to accept and acknowledge the truth, I smiled myself thinking about my miserable marriage life.

Thinking everything from the beginning it was all like a clumpsy knots. Atfirst I missed to look at him at the function and mistook his cousin as a groom. Then later Sanaa was intentionally urged me too meet him in their engagement. I felt she always had some grudge when she looked at me.

But strangely my fate didn't allow me to meet him till we tied the knot. During that pooja also I was sent out for some lame excuses, but now I'm sure Sanaa's hand were in that .She intentionally did that to keep me away, she planned something big but suddenly why did she ran away the day before marriage?? I want to find answers, but for that I need to find Sanaa atfirst. Seriously I got a headache I held my head and lay down on the bed thinking about him.

He was so kind to me when I met him first, so I was not able to believe that he was rude to my family, ofcourse his anger was justified. He felt cheated in this marriage but same happened with us too, Sanaa betrayed us all. Why can't he understand that? My heart ached seeing his negligence for me. So it means he didn't feel in the way I felt for him. Tears escaped from my eyes unknowingly.

Suddenly my mobile rang..... It was from an unknown number. I was not in mind to talk with anyone so I didn't pick the call. It rang again so I felt maybe some important call and picked it after few rings.

I said " Hello..."
There was a pin drop silence from another side, few seconds left still there was no response, I felt strange and said again
"Hello... Who is this"
Once again there was a silence I hung up the call after a wait. I thought maybe some wrong call.
Within a minute my mobile rand again from the same number, now I was irritated.

Carelessly I picked the call and with little anger, I asked...
" Hello... Who are you??
What do you want??
Why are you calling again and again??"

After few seconds... A sharp male voice said "Hello", now it was my turn to be silent. I was stunned to hear that voice. Somehow I managed and replied " yeah hello who is this??"

"Surya" he replied in a hoarse voice. I was confused who is this Surya and I asked him the same.

"Which Surya?? Sorry I don't remember" I said.

He was silent for micro seconds and said sarcastically "How dumb are you?? Without knowing my name, you married me, my impostor wife".

Oh God!!! In a shock I left the mobile from my hand it hit the pillow instantly. It was him, my husband, how come I never thought to ask his name to anyone, really I was dumb as he said. I hit my forehead myself and picked the mobile. I heard still he was shouting "Hello" in the call.

I replied "Hello" slowly after a long breathe, he yelled " Are you day dreaming??, Can't you speak properly??".

I stammered "No... I didn't expect your call, sorry... Sorry for everything" it was honest from my heart.

He laughed sarcastically and said " Sorry... for what? For cheating me??"

I bit my lower lips and I was about to cry at anytime, but controlled myself and tried to explain him " No you were wrong we were not intended to cheat you, it was because of circumstances my family did this. Even I was not aware of you as a groom till our marriage, I didn't expect you as my sister's groom almost after a year,I didn't forget you after our first meet. Trust me I didn't do anything wrong, I never played with your life".


Author's POV

He didn't listen to her conversation in between in a fit a rage, he took the mobile from his ears and kept if far. If he would have listened what she said there life would be different, they would be a happily married couples.

She sobbed while talking she thought he was listening to her silently, but he didn't. After a while he took the mobile near his ears and said " Did you finish your non sense, now let me tell you why did I call you".

She was teary eyed after hearing his rude words. She thought he would have forgive her after telling about their first encounter. But he was not interested to listen to her at any cost so it means he forgot her completely. Little she whimpered in pain she tried to control her tears and asked him to say why did he call.

He said " I will send my car in one hour, you must pack your bags before that and come in that car".

She was frowned where is he asking her to come, that too with a luggage. Eventhough she was hesitant she asked him slowly
"Where should I come??
Why do I need to pack my bags??"

He said mockingly "Don't you know that married woman should stay with her husband at his home after wedding. I think you are really so boring and dumb girl"

She felt the insult with the way he mocked her. She turned red in anger though she is kind and naive girl never failed to stand for her rights and self respect. She love him and she knew their family was at mistake but because of that he can't cross the line. She cant tolerate his insult more and said firmly.

"My husband said he abandoned me long back, so I have nothing to do with him. I'm not coming anywhere" she hung up the call and vented out her misery in tears.

Another side Surya was fuming in anger, he thought Vanaa was not capable to fight back after their initial conversation. But at the end she proved him as wrong and provoked him like anything.

How the hell she can disobey my words and insult me. I will teach her a lesson.

To be continued.....


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Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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