Chapter 6

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Sirius Black innocent?

It is said Peter Pettigrew was found and sent to the Ministry landing right on Madam Pomfrey desk without a letter, name or anything at all

Who was this mysterious, where they clueing into the truth that hidden within the Ministry or is there something we don't know

Is Sirius Black now free now the supposed dead rat is now alive, who know but the Ministry better get him a trial because Lord Black wasn't give a trial even though he is from an ancient house, so why is this?

We won't know until everything is sorted out the proper way

Rita Skeeter

Harry- I hum "short then she normally write which is surprising"

Sirius- I hum in agreement "I wonder who did all of this and she is writing less than normal because she doesn't have all of the information"

Harry- "atleast now you will get a trial"

Sirius- "Peter will get the trial first hopefully by him I can get my freedom"

Harry- " agreed"


Amelia- "Name"

Peter- "Peter Jonathan Pettigrew"

Amelia- "hich magical school did you go too?"

Peter- "Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry"

Amelia- "it works" I say to the Minister

Minister- "Mr Pettigrew who is your true leader"

Peter- "True Dark Lord Albus Dumbledore"

Minister- there was gasp going around the room "who was the secret keeper of the Potter"

Peter- "originally it was going to be Sirius Black but he thought that he would be to obvious but he made the unfortunate chose by picking me"

Minister- "do you bear a death eater mark"

Peter- I nod "yes so I can spy on Voldemort for Dumbledore"

Minister- "what happened that night when the Potter's died"

Peter- "I went to my true leader, Albus Dumbledore telling him were the Potter, you see the Potter's were in hiding from Albus and Voldemort was there protecting not that Dumbledore knew at the time. So Dumbledore went to kill the Potter to only see that Voldemort was there standing in front of the crib with Lily Potter by his side he protected Lily and Harry but Lily unfortunately was hit by one of Dumbledore's killing curses. Voldemort sent the killing curse to Dumbledore but Dumbledore put a Shield around himself in time to have the curse bounce off of the shield a hit baby harry and Voldemort."

Minister- "so your telling me the true dark lord is Dumbledore and that Voldemort was there to protect the Potter's and not kill them, am I correct?"

Peter- "I am"

Minister- "always knew there was something horribly wrong with that old fool" I mumble under his breath

Alaster- "Dumbledore isn't a dark lord at all! Tell him Peter"

Peter- "check the Prophecy apartment because after all Dumbledore put a fake on in there about Voldemort and the Potter lad by check number 1374 orb and it will tell you I am saying the truth"

Minister- I nod to some of my Aurors "get the Prophecy" when they come back I put a spell on it so everyone in the room can hear

True Prophecy of the dark lord and his defeats by Alna Lovegood

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