Chapter 4

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Harry- I sigh down at the letter from the Ministry. I roll my eyes before getting up and putting it away before heading down the hall way knocking on his door. When I hear him say I could come in I open the door and stand awkwardly in the door way "I was checking to see if you are okay?"

Dudley- I smile "I am much better and thank you for saving me from those creatures"

Harry- I smile back "it's no problem, I wouldn't do that for just anyone though"

Dudley- "then why me?"

Harry- "because your family"

Dudley- "but I have been horrible to you, your whole life you been here"

Harry- I shrug "but you have been a better person recently"

Dudley- I hum "I guess you are right but not completely there"

Harry- I tilt my head "something on your mind because it looked like you were think about coming when I came in?"

Dudley- "I was wondering if anyone would ever like me, those Demetors did one of me. I got me thinking about how useless I am when being horrible to other because I feel self conscious about myself both weight and more reason of course not just that"

Harry- I hum "I am not going to lie, I know this may sound horrible but ever since I have lived with you and your family you haven't just been nice to me but other also as you and your friends bullied people and committing crimes which I am surprised your not in prison and if you don't change you might just end up there because bully at your age can only go so fare, yeah names you will get away with until your older but violence though you won't get away if you get caught or if someone report you and the vandalising houses both private and none private will get you into a lot of trouble will put you seven years in prison and adding on the violence, it will get you way more then just a few years, violence can kill someone meaning twenty years to a whole life in prison, so I would if I was you start working on your self both self control and behaviour wise as for weight wise I could give you a few diet recipes that could help you, maybe even your family and even some of my exercises that I do every day or maybe going to the gym"

Dudley- "yeah I don't want to go into prison or get a criminal record, and I would be happy if you help me with diet and the exercises, I think all of this would do me good"

Harry- "well if it has with me, it will do with you too"


Harry- I hear movement within the house and pull my wand out knowing full well that the Dursley's are asleep. I wait there until my bedroom door opens with my wand pointing at them "proof" I say

Remus- "in your third year I turned into a werewolf before you and you found the truth about Peter and Sirius"

Alaster- "you found me in the chest which no one knew I was and still don't until now"

Tonks- "as for me you barely know me, so this" I change my hair to different colours and my face too"

Harry- I look my wand but keep then in view as I grab my stuff "were are we going then" I say as I walk by then and out of the house "they know I am leaving so don't think that I haven't told them or not, so I told them to be surprised if they find me gone"

Remus- "good thinking pup"

Harry- "I know someone was going to come for me even though I didn't get a letter because how else as I going to get there, also can't we just apparate to the place?" I say seeing the broom "this could be dangerous other wise because I refuse to get on a broom with any of you"

Remus- I sigh "I will take him, you lot go" I say before taking his hand after asking his permission before apparating away. I hand him the piece of paper "read it before it vanishes"

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