Chapter 7

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Harry- "so what happens now?"

Sirius- "well you are sure going back to school but now eith your coursins, the Weasley and Draco, seeing as I know Arthur and Remus have a thing for each other and hooing soon that one of them make the move because oh my god watching is so going to be frustrating because come on kiss or fuck already" I then blink looking to hi "sorry pup"

Harry- "no worries, I know about sex and everything because come on I am a fifteen years old and got the sex talk when I was in year six, so don't need to have that look on your face as in your realizing 'oh shit I didn'tgive him the sex talk'" I then point to myself "because he doesn't need one because he is fully informed thank you very much also I won't need the straight one anyway would I but the gay one and trust me I know where goes were I read a book when I was questioning my sexuality when eleven and I know about the extra stuff with us being wizards aka the male pregnancy and more"

Sirius- "thank merlin, also language, I can swear you can't also if you need anything you know where I am when you need questions answered, also you haven't done it right?"

Harry- I blush "no I haven't I am not that stupid to have underage sex"

Sirius- I snort "well your definitely not like me then" I say before leaving

Harry- I hum 'I certainly aren't but who knows one day I might find the right one because he might of been there this whole time right in front of me without me knowing but first I hope to find my parents before any of the happens and not having Dumbledore hopefully on my back putting my into danger than he already has' I think to myself before I turn back to my before being interrupted again

Fred- I bounce onto the seat as I sit to his right and George on hos other side "how you doing cousin"

Harry- I snort "let me guess you heard"

George- "that also we are not blind towards out father attraction towards a certain wolf"

Fred- "I am not surprised they have jumped each other yet because there practically on a thin rope before it snaps and there in bedroom doing some cheeky kinky funny business which horrible image but seriously I wish they could fuck already"

George- "agreed"

Harry- "same, how's Ginny haven't seen her around much recently"

Fred- I shrug "she keeps going to a friends house but we are treating her like normal again like we did when she was eight before she snapped because of Dumbledore and our mother, I wish she ended up actually being instead of our mother cheating life of a lover who she fuck with behind our father back and turns out our father was under potion because of her as well which I am fucking fuming because how dare she do that to him, horrid bitch doing that to father who is nothing but a kind loving person"

Harry- "atleast she isn't here anymore"

George- "rotting in Azkaban for all we care"

Fred- "with Dementors always getting her because that women is no mother of our but she can do whatever with her but I too don't even wish death or anything like that uppon"

Harry- "it's understandable the last part she unfortunately birthed you two, her the whole being your mother the unfortunate part of course because I don't know what life would be without you two or the others"

George- "your too sweet little cousin, hope someone who will treat you right snatches you up and never hurt you or I will chock there balls off and force them to eat them"

Fred- "a punishment fit for a dickhead"



You heard it everyone Dumbledore is now on the run seeing as the true Prophecy was said out in the court room at Peter Pettigrew's and Sirius Black's trial were one turned out guilty and the other ended up getting full custody of his own godson Harry James Potter.

Turns out Dumbledore is the dark lord, Voldemort is the light, Severus Snape the grey lord and Harry Potter is the master of Death, who would of thought it was actually real the whole master of death and deathly Hallows being actually real, shocking.

It was said that Dumbledore ran last night when the Auror came to his house after not finding him at Hogwarts were his supposedly trust worthy staff member who were originally on his side but finding out the truth were definitely against him with then being truly loyal to the true light or grey side as well as the school who people said to be alive but only the heirs of the school can feel his or hers magic, so who is the heir

Okay were getting of the task we are on, so Dumbledore gone of the run, where could he be and will this put the boy who lived and others in danger or will they actually get him in time before he can do any more damage then he already has made

Rita Skeeter


Tom- I smirk down at the news paper when I hear the door blasted open making me look up straight away

Severus- "did you see the paper my lord"

Tom- I nod "I did son"

Severus- I fall to my knees "I am now free" I mumble to myself quietly

Tom- he was quiet but I heard him making me get up and crouch down in front of him "what do you mean free?"

Severus- I look up with tears in my eyes "free from Dumbledore now they are looking for him because he has ran away fro  Hogwarts and maybe the Magical Realm all together after everyone heard of the truth"

Tom- "that did the man do?"

Severus- "too away my child before I could even touch him and made me horrible to the man I love"

Tom- "who is your child?"

Severus- "Potter, Harry Potter"


Harry- I gasp touching my chest as a memory of the night of my birth come to me. As I left his body and lay eyes in my mother, who was shouting at Dumbledore as Dumbledore takes me away from him.

Sirius- I come rushing into the room with Remus and the others following in behind me "what's wrong pup?"

Harry- I know who my parents are"



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