Chapter 2.2: First Meeting

Start from the beginning

Aw, she wasn't paying attention at all

I smirk a little, it disappears as fast as it came, which is in a flash. I looked at her and asked "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I have something to tell everyone" She said with a small awkward smile then gestured to sit down at the meeting place where we had gathered at last night. "Let's wait for the others and have breakfast first"

We ate a bread or two when the others came in. She tossed a bread to each of them. "Eat first. Then I'll talk about *the gift*"

Must be the thing from just now

Dream nodded and took a seat while Sapnap and Bad looked a bit confused but decided to sit down and eat so that she start explaining soon

The other three finally finished their food. "So, what is this all about, y/n?" I asked curiously

She took a deep breath before explaining. "Well, I had a dream last night where this shadowy figure told me things about this world" She looked around and then continued

"They said lots of information but I had no idea if those were true" We nodded. "...until I checked for what the shadowy figure said was 'a gift' that they had left in front of the front door"

"Wait, you mean that chest just now?" She nodded towards Dream

"Yeah, so my point here is... I got information and I need to you guys to share your thoughts about these info"

"Sure! We are in this together after all. We need to stick together so that we can beat the Ender Dragon!" Bad said happily. I smiled while the other three chuckled. "Hey! What I'm saying is right!" Bad pouts a little, crossing his arms on his chest

"Yeah, about The Ender Dragon and the End Portal... I got info about them" Y/n said with yet another awkward smile. "Disclaimer tho, all the info that I got were things that the figure said we wouldn't be able to find out by ourselves" She starts to explain her dream from the start till finish

She told us everything as fast as possible so that we can go find the new 'players' that came in today

"So! With all of that out of the way, who want to go find who?" The compasses are within a chest that y/n put in the middle so that we all can see the names in our inventory window

"I'm gonna go get George. I have a feeling me and Sapnap know him so I'm going there" Dream quickly put George's compass into his inventory

"HEY! I wanted to go get George!" Sapnap starts arguing with Dream while Dream just said that he's the one going to find George

"I'll go get Skeppy. I also have a feeling I know him" Bad took Skeppy's compass and smiled

"Fine! I never won against you in an argument anyways... I'll go and get... Eret" Sapnap said after he gave up arguing with Dream and looking over all the names

"I guess that leaves Tommyinnit and Tubbo between the two of us then, Techno" Y/n looked over to me. "It seems to me that these two are at the same direction from where the compasses are pointing to. So let's go together. If the compasses point different ways we split up?"

"Sure" I said taking Tommyinnit's compass. This name seems familiar, so is the one that y/n have. You put the compass on your hotbar together with your axe and steak

"Everyone. Let's get all of us at least an iron axe, a pick, a shield and a chestplate" Y/n got up and went to the furnaces. I followed suit and went through the chest to get more stuff since I already stored the extra stuff from my inventory while sorting the chest before this

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