Chapter 4 : Gaining Powers?

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Night 3 --> Day 4

Once again, you woke up half floating within the white space. You managed to stand up faster than the last time you were there

"Hello again..." 'Shadow' was smiling towards you, "I see that you have given me a nickname..."

"Yeah, about that! I hope you don't mind" You scratch the back of your head while you awkwardly chuckled

"Oh, it's fine... I see no problem with it... Now, care to take a walk with me...?" They smoothly turn around and looks at you like those royalties that moves with such posh and grace. They then gestures for you to follow them. You walk beside them for a hot minute, enjoying the walk itself, when they started to talk again. "Your wristbands... You are capable to access your inventory and your hotbar... Correct...?"

"Yeah, we found out about that in like, the first hour when we woke up in this world. It was super helpful to be a minecraft player in this case" You chuckle

And they said that playing games are bad for you. Lol. They are wrong

While you smiled as you thought of that, you heard Shadow muttering something under their breath and then sighs. [which we can hear since we are readers and this author-chan wanna put it in :P]

"That... is not..."

"Shadow? Did you say something?" You ask Shadow. The question seems to snap them back to you

"No... It's nothing important... I will tell you later..."

"Really? Cuz it seemed to me that you were thinking about somethi-" There was something like an invisible wall there and you, of course, had walked face first into said wall. "Agh! What was that?" Shadow looked over to you in surprise and saw that you are now rubbing your face

Shadow chuckles, but with their voice being an echo of three separate voices... It is slightly creepy for those who aren't used to it. [like you readers since not all of you guys hear something like that often :P But we can't hear words that have no one voicing them... Can we?]

"Oh, apologies y/n... I had forgotten that I needed to bestow you this power in order for you to be able to see the walls and such things within this space..."

Wait there are walls and stuff in this place?!

"Yes, there are y/n..." Shadows smiles at you

"Did I just say that out loud?" You smiled shyly at Shadow, who is still smiling at you

"Yes you did... Now come over here and stand in front of me, y/n..."

You nods and walk over to Shadow. After you were right in front of them, they placed their right palm over your eyes

"What are you doing?" You brush their palm off your face

"Bestowing you the power that I told you about..." Shadow replied then proceeds to place their palm back where they were before you brushed them off

Oh makes sense

"Now, close your eyes... Do not open them until I say so... After all, we do not want anything going wrong now do we...?" You can somewhat physically feel that Shadow was smiling while saying that

You close your eyes. "Ahahaha, yeah." At this moment, you can feel Shadow's presence and the slight warmth from their palm that's in front of your eyes.

-Shadow POV-

She is being a good girl and not moving... Maybe I should unlock her sixth sense for danger... Yeah, it's better to be safe then sorry...

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