Chapter 3 (1/2): The Planning

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Day 3

Once again you are in the white space, floating to a standing position. You look around and see nothing except the near blinding white that covers every inch of your vision besides your body

"Hello?" You call out, knowing that the shadowy figure exists in this 'world'? 'space'? whatever it is

"Hellooo? Are you here?" Your voice echoes a little, you don't know from where. Silence was the only answer that you got

Looking around again, you decided to try and explore this space. After all, the other two times you just slept through it and was talking with the shadowy figure. You decided that it's better to have something to call them by so you settled with 'Shadow' since it is gender neutral and you do not know anything about them

You walk and walk and walk and nothing seems to change. Everywhere you look it is still the same colored white that appears everywhere. You walk for what you feel like ages before you decide to just sit down

Is there just nothing here? Only me and maybe Shadow?

You thought as you lay down since there is no point in walking more when nothing changes. You close your eyes, somehow the blinding white was incapable of penetrating your eyelids and the comfortable darkness soon takes you into it's embrace


You soon see dim light against your eyes, so you slowly open it to see the roof of your minecraft house

My roof? I got out huh?

You decided to get out of bed and look at yourself. You weren't paying attention at what you were wearing but it was comfortable. A f/c [favorite color] hoodie with cat ears, white t-shirt underneath it, the pair of black wristbands on your wrist, black f/p [favorite pants] and a pair of f/c boots

You brush your finger over your hair, feeling it being silky smooth

Something's wrong...

You look again at your appearance. Your clothes, your hands, your hair... All of them were too clean for someone who haven't taken a bath for at least two days

I guess our bodies is like what minecraft's Steve character is like. Not getting dirty since there's no stat for that

You wonder what else could be different with your bodies. One thing in particular stood out. Well, two actually. While walking to get Tubbo yesterday, you did not feel too much of a temperature change when you were walking from a desert to the top of a mountain. The other one is the fact that none of you went to go to the bathroom and worked all day long at the first day

I guess that makes it easier for us since our bodies can just function at it's best as long as our hunger bar is full...

You thought before looking outside and seeing the sunrise over the horizon. You also see several figures in the shadows. You squint your eyes to look at them

They were hostile mobs, skeletons and zombies, also the iron golem that is fighting them. The skeleton looked exactly like what you would find at a laboratory but it has a white dot within it's skull, showing the direction of the skeleton's sight which is the exact same as it's bow

The zombies looked like those gory art where their bones are showing from several places, their flesh and skin hanging at said bones. Their eyes were nowhere to be seen, just dark voids where the eyes would be at. Their clothes ragged and torn apart. And their skin, a mossy green, a color you just know wouldn't be normal

While the iron golem was flinging a zombie up above it's head causing some damage, a skeleton decided to target the golem. The golem still looked good but it started to have cracks here and there. You presume it's caused by the mobs that attacked it every night

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