Chapter 1: The Awakening

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Day 1


You open your eyes and see yourself floating around comfortably in the middle of a white abyss. You think nothing of this and once again closes your eyes before you slowly feel something materialize behind you, as if you are laying on your back

Must've been the floor

You thought as you noticed rays of light sometimes flash upon your closed eyelids and the calm winds blowing through your hair and surroundings

You try and block the rays of light that are trying to wake you up from your slumber as the softness and smell of the grass slowly but surely fill your senses

Wait, grass?

You quickly open your eyes and sit right up where you were asleep and tried to look around. You feel a little light-headed from the sudden movement. You touch the back of your head while closing your eyes for a moment, trying to regain your consciousness before you finally look around

You see four other people also sleeping on the grass

You stand up, dusting your clothes while slightly confused at the current situation and looked around to observe your surroundings

All of you were under a tree that stands all alone on a grassland, batches of flowers littered all over the biome and a lake not far from where you are. The sun just a little bit away from it's highest point

Where is this?

Looking closely, you noticed that everything looks strange, not like what a normal world would look like yet it all looks familiar

As you were thinking, someone woke up and looked around

"Hi" he said, you snap out of your thoughts and answered his greetings

"Oh, yeah. Hi" You help him stand up and he dusts off his clothes before talking once more

"Uh, where are we?" he still looking around and to the people sleeping around us

"I don't know but..." you hesitated to continue your sentence with the realization of the absurdity of the situation you are going through

"...I think that we are in a minecraft world" you looked towards him. He wears dark blue jeans, a white shirt and a lime-green hoodie with a mask, that have a smile drawn on it, covering his face. The mouth part of the mask seems to be covered with some sort of air filtering material. He have dirty blond hair and stands taller than you

"...Well that explains the blocky shape of everything!" he says as he waves his hands towards the surrounding grassland

You then proceed and try to remember how you ended up here in the first place

But you cant remember anything... Nothing at all...

You start to freak out but you realize that it wont help

I can't be freaking right now... If I do, the others might start freaking out too...

I need to be calm.

You calm yourself before speaking to the masked man

"Well then, let's wake everyone up and see if anyone have any information."

The masked man nodded and crouched down to shake the others awake together with you

Once everyone was awake you stood up and gathered the courage to talk

"Everyone, I know that we all just woke up and you all are probably wondering where we are. Some of you might already noticed the strangeness of our surroundings..." they nod their heads in agreement

Stuck Together | DreamSMP fanfic | FinishedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt