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morning came pretty quick and heeseung still hadnt slept... he kept thinking about jungwons question 'do u like my sister?' that kept bothering him. heeseung laid in bed and kept thinking until he came into his senses and finally decided to stand up and go to the bathroom to take a bath.


junghwa was singing in the shower beautifully, she finished showering and opened her phone and saw some reports about last night. she tsked at some of the reports, headlines and comments. 'ridiculous' she thought. she kept on reading some of the comments when she stopped at one comment that caught her eye...


i know one guy junis with. hes heeseung! looks so handsome! i wish i was juni... hes really handsome 


guys, look out for the man named heeseung, hes mine!

she scoffed at the comments and decided to stop looking at it. she somewhat got jealous and threw her phone on the bed and changed her clothes before going to his little brothers house.


heeseung stayed in his room, he also saw the report and read some comments which made him smile and the others made him sad. 'of course, no one would like me... im worthless... fuck this world. i wish i wasnt even alive or so' he thought while reading some of the hate comments.


the brown haired, his name is heeseung, i know him, hes a street singer. he looks so ugly compared to the other 6


to heeseung, the street singer, ever heard of exercising? i guess no


i saw him perform once and he sings so bad! i mean, he looks so ugly

he decided it was enough and turned his phone off and threw it on the bed. he planned on skipping breakfast and staying in his room the whole day. he got a pillow and curled up in a corner.

heeseung - im worthless...


guys! enhypen is finally debuting tomorrow! i cant wait omgggggg

singing love | lee heeseungWhere stories live. Discover now