kurayami ishida | individual

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kurayami ishida


kura, yami, ishi










demon slayer corps


demon slayer




kurayami is notably independent, he strives on his own and prefers it that way. the demon slayer is someone who would prefer to achieve things upon his own merits than to receive aid from someone else, in other words if kurayami can't do it alone then he doesn't want to do it. however that being said, while he dislikes asking for aid he has no qualms working with others if they follow his orders. though again, there aren't exactly that many in his line of work that are able to work with him, considering his skill and the low number of active demon slayers.

kurayami is a very quick witted individual who always seems to have an answer for anything, whether it be something appropriate or not is really the luck of the draw. that being said he's very intelligent, he thoroughly enjoys knowing things and learning new things. along with his intelligence he became extremely articulate and very capable in social settings thanks to the constant training by his father.

due to his intelligence and skill in most things kurayami is confident, so much so in fact that many would call him cocky and that wouldn't necessarily be an incorrect accusation to make. kurayami is extremely determined, whenever he puts his mind to something in life he achieves it, ensuring to commit all his effort and energy to the goal. he has been known to be perhaps one of the more mature individuals of his age, something which only happened from when his family was wiped out and he was forced to survive and grow alone. the demon slayer is also very practical in his life, ensuring he applies himself in the most effective ways, always precise in his methods.

kurayami tends to view other people as burdens he must carry when he has to work with other slayers however he does care for his fellow comrades, just not in a way that many would perceive as kindness. kurayami is known to be a very stubborn individual in instances where his intelligence is questioned and he will often go to any length to prove himself to be right or at the very least completely deny that he is incorrect. kurayami has been known to be amoral and apathetic since he has changed, seemingly losing most of his desire along with it and turning into a particularly cold and callous individual. he cares for one thing above all else, the eradication of demons that bring death and harm to humans.

|breath style|

shadow breathing

|breath style techniques|

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