tao chizu | individual

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tao chizu






closeted bisexual





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tao is someone who is very self-assured, he knows who he is, what he wants and what he can do which keeps him very grounded and moving forward in life towards his various different goals and ambitions. the male often comes off as kind of cold and distant and that would be due to the fact that despite being very confident in himself when he's alone, the guy is plagued by horrible social anxiety, so despite all this confidence that is boiling at the brim when he's chilling by himself, as soon as you throw him in a room with other people the guy sort of just falls apart. the way tao tends to combat this is by looking unapproachable, and thanks to his genetics he comes across pretty intimidating to the vast majority of people and thus he rarely has many social interactions which is to his liking.

while suffering from social anxiety he's isn't socially awkward, the male can converse with relative ease, but inside he's simply dying to escape from what's happening and that's why he can often come across as a bit of an asshole seeing as he prefers to speak fairly bluntly to those that do approach him. as mentioned when not in a social setting he is an entirely different person, if he knows someone well enough he can easily relax and hang out with them, but adding someone unknown into the mix can throw him for a loop. despite the efforts of his numerous friends to make him socialise nothing has really worked and the guy prefers to just keep to himself when possible.


- tao loves to read, whenever he's got some free time he can be found around bookstores or the like for a new book to read.

- tao also has a love for music, often listening to it in public spaces to tune everyone out and seem even more unapproachable.

- tao has a deep connection with animals and would just hang around them all the time if he could which is why he often volunteers at his local animal shelter when he's got some free time.

- tao has a passion for photography, which is why he picks up experience with jobs whenever he can, he did want to go to university for it but his parents refused to support that decision.

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