chisuke akano | individual

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"long time no see old friend, we should make time for a little fun out on the town."
to dabi

"you're unworthy of your job and your position hawks."
to hawks

"hey buddy, is the league treating you well?"
to twice

"are you free tonight? i have a few heroes in mind that we can hunt down."
to toga

"how could one be so obsessed with power and yet fail to overcome a man who cared for none of it? that is why all might will forever be your superior."
to endeavour

"i will finish you off one day shigaraki, mark my words."
to shigaraki

"you number amongst the very few worthy heroes, don't change."
to deku

"you're so incredibly weak in spite of your strength."
to mirko


chisuke akano


chi, red, kano

|vigilante alias|









chisuke is a very adaptable individual, known to have a very flexible mind that can quickly re-strategise and reevaluate things that he had previously thought strongly in to be true. because of his logical leaning brain he's always thinking ahead and anticipating the next moves of people, whether he's in a fight or debating others around him his mind tends to be two or three steps ahead already, getting ready to counterattack things that have yet to even happen. chisuke is very composed, rarely getting worked up even if he gets passionate about something, not allowing for emotion to cloud his actions and judgement too much, the young man coupling his composure with a magnetic charm, having a way with people that draws them to him. despite chisuke being a vigilante and taking the lives of others he's a compassionate man who loves people, he views what he is doing as a necessary evil and that he must take the burden upon himself to change the fake hero society that has been built. because of his compassion the young man is also extremely empathetic, often grieving for the families affected by what he's done, he knows that doing so makes him more a monster seeing as he knows what he does is wrong but at the same time it's one of the many ways he can keep going on with what he feels to be his personal mission, otherwise he fears what he may become if he no longer felt saddened by taking the lives of people.

one thing that chisuke prides himself on is his convictions, he holds strong beliefs about certain things, especially society and a heroes role within it and that hasn't wavered since the day he committed to them. chisuke is a very honest man, he absolute hates having to lie to anyone and the only thing he does lie about is what he gets up to during the night, never wanting anyone to see him in that light because he never wished to become what he is. chisuke is independent as he likes to be, moving out from his childhood home as soon as he finished school in order to go to university, while he does rely somewhat on his parents to help him with paying for his living cost he tries to not take too much, partly because he would never wish to somehow have them linked to what he's doing at night. chisuke is a hardworking guy, always doing his utmost to put in the work towards his degree and also to his part time job which he works at most days when he's free. the vigilante is often stated to be mature for his age, perhaps this is in part due to his fashion choice of dress shirts and pants, regardless however he is extremely sensible and very responsible when it comes to things in his daily life. chisuke is both a bit of an optimist and a pessimist, it can completely depend on his mood or the subject that is being discussed, on one hand chisuke is very positive about people, he thinks that everyone has the capacity to be good, yet on the other hand he is very negative about things like the government and how they've structured things, believe them to have corrupted the whole idea of heroes.

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