Justin POV

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(Author's note: watch video to the end for the ACTUAL duet that was described in this chapter and goodbye song with young Justin and Britney and Justin putting his arm around Britney!!)
Our duet was outrageously amazing. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time. We sang I Feel For You, which was a love song, that Britney requested.

Was this a sign that she liked me?
Maybe I was just overthinking things.

We had been close friends for months since that open call, so maybe it was time to make the first move, and I knew exactly how.
Tomorrow we film the ending to the episode, where we sing the closing goodbye song. And you have to put your arm around the random person of your choice to show that we are all close here at the Mickey Mouse Club. That was the best opportunity to put my arm around Britney. I was ready to let her know that I liked her.

The next day
After filming some skits for the show, the end of the day neared and it was time to film the goodbye song. I was so nervous that Britney wasn't interested and might be creeped out.
But we were practically best friends. We were strangers just months before. Maybe she would only see me as a friend!
The music began to play. The older guy named JC who stood next to me and put his arm around some other girl.
"Get some, Justin! You should stand next to that girl you like!" JC joked.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Bug off." I shooed my hand away from him. JC noticed when I saw Britney coming closer and my eyes widened.
I quickly snapped back and tried to remain cool. I winked at her.
"Ooooh!" He howled.
Britney neared me. She rejected TJ and Ryan and some guy named Dale. I was surprised to see she was heading my way. I put my arm around her without thinking. She blushed. I felt my face burning and my heart beat faster by the second.

Justin And Britney: The Beginnings (COMPLETE!!) |#Wattys2015|Where stories live. Discover now