S2 Part 23 - Project Villain

Start from the beginning

"Shut up...." you looked away to hide your shame, "I don't need you moving me in my sleep anymore."

"I couldn't help myself," his voice was in your ear now, and you felt his weight shift the bed, "We're a team, now, aren't we? I want to look out for you."  He played with the ends of your hair again, "How could I let you cry through your nightmares alone..."

You retreated from the bed so he couldn't get any bright ideas, "Let's get something straight, Tomura. We might be working together for the time being, but if anything - anything - happens to Shinso, I blame you. And I will spend the rest of my life ensuring you never sleep easy again."

He was deathly silent for a moment, and you knew you went too far again. Flashbacks of him pinning you to the bed sent chills down your spine, but you held your ground.

"Funny - you think I sleep easy," his chuckle sounded dry and scratchy, "You know what your problem is, (Y/N)?"

"Spare me your wisdom..." you scoffed.

"You care about too many people," he said the last word like it was something disgusting, "You know why it was so easy to capture you? Because I could've picked any one of those brats to use as bait and I still would have succeeded."

He stood up but gave you an arm's length of space, "With a quirk like yours, you're going to tear yourself apart, until that big, annoying heart of yours has nothing left - if you're not careful."

Your jaw dropped but nothing came out. It sucked when the villains made sense...

"But I guess that's also why I find you so fascinating!" He beamed, "Since you're awake now, I'll give you a moment to get ready. I have someone you need to meet before we go out tonight."

"We're going out? Like out - out?" you asked, "You trust me to go outside?"

"I'm trusting that you'll stick to our deal. I would hate to do any damage to my other assets if you were to act... unexpectedly," he walked passed you to leave the room, but added, "But bad things do happen. Don't they?"

Yikes. And he thought you were bipolar. Bad things, Tomura? Like my fist going through your computer?!

You seriously debated it, just to be extra, but part of you kept the computer in the back of your mind. When it came to you escaping, you wanted every single opportunity imaginable. An email to someone or a social media post - something to alert everyone where you were. That's if you were ever able to find Shigaraki's password.

So, you swallowed your pride and went to see what the rest of this bullshit day had in store for you.

You were in the same room as last night where Bakugo was tied up and the villains were "hanging out." This time, the room was quiet and empty, except for Kurogiri behind the bar, and Dabi looking half asleep, drinking out of a beer bottle.

He lifted his head slightly when he spotted you. You felt your face heating up and quickly averted your eyes just as he displayed a cocky grin.

"Would you like a drink, (Y/N)?" Kurogiri asked.

"Oh," you were taken aback at how welcoming he was, "Um... sure. Thanks."

"Well, I think she's getting on just fine. Don't know what you were worried about, Shigaraki."

In the opposite corner, Shigaraki had a card table set up with a few chairs, and a tall man with gray hair sat, eyeing you from behind his glasses, with a look that could only be described as satisfaction. He played with a cigarette in his mouth, which had a very wide gap between his top teeth.

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