Chapter 2: Smile...

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"B-but I-I thought we were friends YoYo..." a younger Yui asked

In front of a younger Yui was another girl her age, with raven hair and a small bun on her head, Yui didn't know the girls' real name but knew only the girls' nickname, which was YoYo.

YoYo looked back to Yui with an angry look, "I could never be friends with some emotionless freak!" cried YoYo "How can anyone tell you anything and all you can do is stare like some robot!"

"Why would she be friends with some freak you can't even feel anything!" Cried another girl

Yui's heart fell, and something inside her snapped, tears fell from her eyes and Yui, let out a sob and she fell to her knees, for once, she could express the sudden sadness that overtook her,

a few other girls snickered behind the YoYo

"Aw look, the frak actually can cry!" Laughed one of the girls

the group of girls began to walk away while younger Yui still cried, she was alone once again


suddenly the scene shifted and the younger Yui now was being bullied by another group of girls.

"Eh? what's with that weird look on your face?" asked a girl with a smile

Yui still held her blank expression, but she moved her hands behind her back and squeezed them so she wouldn't cry

"Get out of here weirdo, before I hit ya!" cried the same girl

"Leave Yui alone!"

the girls and Yui turned to see a younger Izuku running at them, Yui's hands eased and she didn't squeeze them anymore to hold back her tears. Izuku quickly stood in front of Yui and stared at the girl.

"aw look girls the freaks little boyfriend came to protect her!" chuckled the girl

"Yui's not a freak!" Izuku cried "Yui is just Yui!"

"Hey, aren't you the kid without a quirk?" chimed in another girl

"He is!" said another girl

the first looked to the two of them and laughed, "No wonder they're together, they're both freaks!" The girl laughed, "come one girl's let's leave the freaks alone"

the group of girls left and Izuku quickly turned to Yui with a worried look, "Are you ok Yui!?" he asked

She nodded, "I'm fine," she said, still having that blank expression on her face

Izuku smiled widely, "that's good!" he said "wanna go on the swings again?" he asked

Yui nodded

Izuku took her hand in his and the two children ran to the swings, once again, the boy had made Yui feel at ease.




Yui woke up with wide eyes, yet still held that blank expression.

"Why am I remembering those horrible memories now?" she asked herself aloud

It's been a week since she and Izuku first started UA, it was the weekend already, and Yui was glad that it happened, it felt like she already needed a break. Vlad-Sensei was right, they really were going to push the students to their limits.

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