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I didn't know what I felt. I was happy but I also was disappointed. I was happy that the seal worked but was disappointed that it couldn't collect much water. But I guess I can make more. If that's the case then, in theory, I can make two every week. But that might not be the case since I don't even know if the pressure seal and the... Water tank seal will work together yet.

Now that I think about it, where am I?

'Map – Open.'

I looked around the map, trying to locate my raft. It wasn't near the land of bean jam, fire, or water. I narrowed my eyes and stared long and hard at the map until I saw that I was near the land of silence.

"Hey system, what's the land of silence?"

[The land of silence is a small samurai-led country near the land of water. This is where most of Shikamaru hiden took place.]

"Thanks... So, I'm going off course. Great."

After another few moments, I closed the map with a sigh and looked down at the water tank seal. After a few moments, I took out my brush and paper and started rewriting the pressure seal. After a few minutes, not only was I finished with making the seal, but I was also tired. This was one of the few (Read as many) moments I curse my low chakra reserve. With a sigh, I stored everything that was out in the inventory and took out the scrolls. Like last time, I placed the black one back in and stared at the two blue scrolls.

'I really should've not made two scrolls of the same color... System, do you know which one has food in it?'

[The right one.]


After placing the one with items in the inventory I opened the one with food. In front of me appeared two bags packed with food. I took the bag to the right and sealed it back in the scroll. After that, I started taking things out of the bag and laid it in front of me. After a few moments, half of the bag was laid out in front of me with little to no more space left to place more. I tied the bag close and resealed it then placed the scroll back in the inventory. In front of me were three rice balls, four mochis, seven apples, two tomatoes, five eggplants, three danogs, and a container full of rice crackers.

'Alright, all might system please plan my meal plan.'

[Request denied.]


[I'm sure host can plan for herself.]

'Fine... I'll plan... I have fourteen fresh produce, ten semi-fresh produce, and a container of dried produce. Humans would typically last about three days without water and three weeks without food. I have food but no water, meaning I need to find a way to gather water. Ocean water? Fuck off, I'll die. Rainwater? I don't know when it'll rain. This means I increased my chance of dying when I didn't think about water. Fuck me. But luckily for me, I have something that can substitute for water. The fresh produce.

So, that means I have to be careful eating those. I should probably eat the dried and semi-fresh produce first. Now that I have that figured out, I guess the order in which I eat the food. Dry, dry, semi-fresh sounds ok. But so does dry, semi-fresh, dry... I should probably go with the latter. That way, I don't have to worry about dehydration. Then after I finish all of the dry and semi-fresh produce, I should eat the fresh produce then repeat with the other half of the bag.

In order to preserve energy, I shouldn't use that much chakra. Even if I don't know if chakra depletion affects hunger, it'll make me tired and then I'll become hungry. If chakra is the same as calories... It might be the opposite, who knows.'

After I finished my thoughts, I stored the food in my inventory and mentally cried as my inventory almost became full. Once that was done, all that was left in front of me was the container full of rice crackers. I opened it and looked inside. In there were 26 rice crackers. I reached inside and took one out and was about to close it when I stopped. I placed the rice cracker on my lap and took another one out. Why? I didn't have dinner yesterday. Killed Hatsu before she prepared dinner.

When I thought about killing Hatsu I became momentarily depressed. But I stopped myself before I started thinking depressing thoughts. Once my mind was cleared, I closed the container and placed it in the inventory. Sighing, I took a rice cracker and ate it. Once I was done with the first one, I did the same to the second one.

When I was done eating, I checked my chakra reserve. I had enough to perform a transformation Jutsu. Sighing, I decided to sleep for the day and continue my seal making tomorrow. I laid down and saved before closing my eyes. I don't know how long I stayed still hoping to fall asleep, but it felt like a millennium before I was finally able to sleep. 

Only a game ⥤Hiatus⥢Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora