Milk and cuddles (chapter 3 pt 3)

Start from the beginning

"Sensei!!!!" Your team exclaimed in unison.

You couldn't sleep. You just couldn't. So you went into Kakashi's room, or, well, the guest room of Tazuna's house.


You wouldn't have been able to give a straight answer. You belly flopped onto your sensei's body unconsciously and freaked out silently, believing that you might've hurt him and waken him up.


He didn't even flinch.

He was breathing though, so that was a relief.

You laid your head on his stomach, this time gently and stared up at the ceiling. You felt something press against your lower back, making you uncomfortable and pulled it out from under you. You mentally apologized to the silver haired man for laying on his arm once seeing that it was indeed his arm.

You placed it over your stomach and laid there awkwardly before playing with his hand.

First, you held his limp arm up and dropped it, only to regret it when it fell on your stomach.

You let out a surprised 'oof' and held the appendage from your stomach. You decided to just flop the arm around in your hands, watching as the hand closed and opened slightly when being pulled back and forth gently.

You then wrapped his hand around your neck and started making quiet but exaggerated choking noises, pretending that Kakashi was slowly killing you.

And then the hand clenched your neck firmly.

"...(Y/n)... what are you doing..." kakashi asked with sleep very heavy in his voice.

You looked up to see his eye still closed.

Oh. He's talking in his sleep.

"No. I'm not. I can't open my eye because my eyelids are stuck together." He grumbled.

"I thought you were still comatose!" You whispered/yelled.

"I've actually been awake for a while." He said.

"Really? How long?" You said, relaxing a bit in his grip.

"Since you jumped on me."

You grimaced and said nothing, allowing Kakashi to speak once more.

"Now what are you doing up?" He asked once again.

"I can't sleep." You said.

"Have you tried closing your eyes?" He groaned in annoyance.

"You think I haven't tried? And besides, I would keep waking up every 2 hours." You scoffed.

Kakashi shifted his head towards you and forced his eye open to peak at you, scanning your face.

"You need to try, kid-"
"Fucking- I've tried. Okay?" You said in frustration before sitting up, slipping his hand off your neck.

"I get it. You want to sleep. I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll go find something to do quietly-"

You were pulled back down into a pair of arms with a blanket draped over you.

"I know this is a weird thing to do, seeing as we aren't related and I'm your sensei, but as your sensei, it is my job to take care of you, kid. This is all I can do for now... so try to sleep." Kakashi muttered tiredly while hugging you close.

You stared up at the silver haired man before a smile came to your lips. You quickly covered your face and spoke.

"Oh my, I don't like where this is going, Kakashi sensei~"
"Shush kid."

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