01: New Beggining PT.1

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'now you have to be careful. Your dealing with the impossible... Mr. Impossible'

She sighed for the 7th time. "Why do we have to move" Hwa-Young moaned. She got the same answer each time from her parents 'for work'. She rolled her eyes and anticipated for what would come next.

*Beep beep* Her alarm was going off disrupting her dream as usual. Hwa-Young found herself sat upright on her bed wondering how quickly she fell asleep the night before. However today was not the day for wandering into her thoughts or procrastinating as she needed to get ready for her first day in a new school. Hwa-Young had experience as she was one of the popular girls in her old school so a positive first impression was a must for her. She got dressed, put natural makeup on, styled her hair so it was wavy and headed out the door drinking a breakfast smoothie.


Stood there in awe of the modern school she took a deep breath and went into her class which took her a while to find. When she walked in she was greeted by many people. She was the centre of attention for a good while as she was the new girl who was also pretty. Hwa-Young sat in a spare seat next to a random girl. "Hello" she said with confidence. The girl beside her said hello back in a nervous expression. 

"Yes Mr. Tan"
"Could you please be Hwa-Young's buddy today and show her around"
"U-uh yes of course s-sir"

The girl next to Hwa-Young must have been nervous but she eventually plucked up the courage to have a conversation.
"Hello my name is Seon Sun-Hi. You must be Yu Hwa-Young. I will be showing you around school today so would you want to be friends" she said with a sweet smile on her face
"Hello Sun-Hi, it's nice to meet you. Of course we can be friends. If you don't mind at lunch could you tell me a bit more about this school" Hwa-Young got closer to Sun-Hi and whispered "especially the drama" they both giggled and smiled at eachother.

After a few classes Sun-Hi started showing Hwa-Young around school and they were chatting as they went. They jumped in fright of school bell ringing.
"Oh crap" Sun-Hi yelled
Hwa-Young looked at her in confusion.
"We have Mrs Choi for maths. She is a new teacher but I heard she is really strict so we have to get there fast"
Hwa-Young and Sun-Hi ran across the halls trying to get to class. They were on time however they weren't quick enough to get 2 seats together. They both sat in seats far from eachother.

Sun-Hi was fine as she was sat next to one of her other friends however Hwa-Young was sat at the back around people she didn't know. She sat down and sat there still, contemplating if she should talk to the girl next to her. After a few minutes of nothing she thought 'your Yu Hwa-Young and your a confident bitch so act like one'. Just as she was about to speak the girl put her hand up and asked to go home since she didn't feel well. Mrs Choi rolled her eyes then nodded and just like that the girl was gone. 'Great' Hwa-Young thought. She reluctantly finished all of her maths equations and looked up at the clock to see that she still had 20 mins of the class left.

💙💙Hey so how was the first chapter. Comments are really appreciated since this is my first book. If there are any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors etc then please comment where it is. Thanks X 💙💙

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