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I announce the eleininations at breakfast the next day.
"Attention!" I call. The table of Selected quiets immediately. "I've made my decisions and, sadly, some of you will be going home today."
They stare at me, anxious to hear who's been kicked out.
"Before I start, I must say I'm sorry. Here we go... The following people have been eliminated."
I take a deep breath and start my list.
"James Brown, Charlie Daniels, Luke Weston, Jonathan Reyes, and Isaac Young, you've been sent home."
Chatter breaks out down the table and the ten guys left look relieved- all except Will Gray, who just grins at me.
I grin back shyly and turn to my parents.
"Do you approve?" I say teasingly.
"Sure," my mom chuckles.
"I guess," says my dad.
"Maxon," my mom says questioningly, turning to him. "What is it?"
"I have a challenge for them."
I raise an eyebrow. "And?"
"War games," he begins. "They have a week to prove themselves worthy as a prince- and king. In battle terms, of course. They're given situations in war and have to spar and sword fight and-"
"Woah, woah, woah!" my mom stops him.
"I think it sounds fine," I say. "But safety first. Duh."
They argue with their looks and my mom finally gives in.
"Fine. War games. Get Aspen to help you organize them."
And so the next challenge begins.
The guys compete well, and my father seems quite impressed. Will is one of the top competetors, along with Daniel and a few others. He bests most people with sword practice and is physically all-around great. Some of the other guys fall behind, but not by much. I'm glad James Brown, the nerdy genius kid, isn't here- he would have certainly been embarrassed out of his mind.
Then, on one of the last days, my father asks if any of them want to prove themselves by practicing their swordplay with him.
Will steps right up, along with the other lead competitors like Daniel and Chris.
"Maxon!" my mom protests. "You'll get hurt doing foolish things like this!"
"C'mon, Mer," he pleads. "I want to see how good they are against me. Just to see."
She sighs and gives in. He shrugs off his heavy uniform coat and picks a sword, balancing it in his palm.
"This will do," he decides. "You." He points Chris. "You first."
Chris, who I've only kept in the competition for his charming looks, has seemed good with a sword but not as good as Daniel and Will. He blushes but knows better than to refuse, lifting his sword and stepping up to my father.
The first match is fairly short. Chris matches my father for a good bit but falters and my father bests him.
"Next," he says in a more king-like voice. "You." Daniel is who he points at now.
Pushing his hair out of his face and taking a deep breath, Daniel steps forward and gets into his stance. He grips the sword so tight his knuckles turn white.
Daniel does quite well for a while, matching my father every time he strikes. But he rarely strikes himself, just blocks. No offense for the king, just defense. My father gets annoyed by this and bests him in the end.
Will is last. He waits politely for my father to rest and then call him up before lifting his sword and getting into his fighting stance. But unlike the others, who were nervous or intimidated, Will seems relaxed and confident. Like he's already prince and has nothing to worry about.
He will fit the role of being royalty well, I think.
Will steps forward, blue eyes gleaming, and strikes first. It's a bold move, and my father raises an eyebrow in surprise as he blocks. They start fighting more intensely than the others, and it seems like my father has to put more effort into this fight. Will is still at ease, but beads of sweat start to appear on his brow as he tires. The same happens to my father.
But then, at the end, Will charges with new energy. With a quick spin and jab with his sword, he bests the king.
The gathered crowd applauds the fight, cheering in delight. Will smiles, seeming politely embarassed. My father shakes his hand and nods a little, seeming surprised and inpressed.
At dinner, he leans over and whispers to me, "What is his name?" and gestures to Will with his fork.
"Will Gray," I reply, smiling faintly.
"Will Gray," he repeats, tilting his head a little. "I like him."
I really smile now, just a little. "Me too."
(A/N- I'm so so so so so sorry for being gone so long! I'll try to update more often! The Heir in May!! Kierra stole my idea!😂 Not really though!😅)

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