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(America's POV)

I scan the Files over and over.

"Medicine!" I call to Maxson. "Medicine And Health, by George Fray." He nods and runs to that section of the library.

The Files is a massive room of books from the old United States. At some point they found a cure for the disease Carter has, cancer, and we're going to find it.

"No cure," Marlee says, looking up from the book she'd gotten.

I sigh and go back to scanning the list of everything we have.


"Here!" Maxson says an hour later. We run over to him and scan the page.


A deadly disease, cancer has killed millions of people and some are still fighting the disease today.

We now have something groundbreaking in cancer research:

A cure.

The cure is made up of...

And it went on to list the cure's ingredients and creation. We cheered and took it immediately to the first floor.

We organize a trip to the labs in Virginia for Marlee and Carter. Within hours they are on their way.

I smile, watching them leave the palace. Carter will be okay now. And so will Marlee.


Dinner is quiet. Claire plays with her food, thoughtful. I decide not to ask her about it. She is, after all, having to choose the twenty-five young men for the Selection.

Aspen, Lucy, and Sara, the remaining personal maids and guards of the royal family (a new group of positions I created), are eating with us (a rule I made in coordination with the Five). I love having them with us for dinner.

Lady Marlee, Mr. Woodwork- that's who's missing. Lady and Mr.! That's what the Five are considered- they would be Twos. Lady Marlee, Lady Lucy, Lady Sara, Mr. Leger, and Mr. Woodwork. We usually call them by their first names, though, loose with formality as we are.

Living without the castes is different, but pleasent. Now, you can choose whatever job you want, and there are certain places that specialize in certain jobs. Carolina specializes in art and music, because I'm from there and that's inspired the Fives to go there and propsper. Virginia, where Carter and Marlee are going, specializes in science and medicine. Mary, one of my old maids, and a guard named William often go to different places in the country to urge teens to enter the draft, which is now completley optional, and the training to be a palace maid, which is also optional.

My favorite place in the palace now is the new balcony. It's kind of huge, overlooking the gardens- which we expanded- and with a nice awning made of see-through blue silk.

I go there after dinner, immensly enjoying the view of the gardens and, farther away, the skyline of the country.

I write another letter to my family.

Mom, May, and Gerad-

We will visit on Tuesday. For now, enjoy.


Then I put it with the package of sweets and send it to the post room.

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