"Ogrest is not a myth!" Eva says, removing Y/n's hand from her mouth. "How else do you explain all the strange occurrences that happen all over the world?"

"Mother nature." Y/n simply says with a shurg.

"Guys, are we going?" Amalia spoke up, having enough of the two's banters. "Or are we just going to argue all day?"

"The youth of today. Don't even know what an honest day's work is." Ruel grumbles under his beard, as they walk to the village.

About a minute later, they all arrive at the gate. Walking through, they look around and notice something off about the village. "Where is everyone?" Y/n asks.

"Don't tell this place is deserted." Amalia says with a sad groan.

"But there are monsters here!" Dally says, pulling out Rubilax and getting into a battle stance. "I can taste trouble."

Just then, they all heard a thump. Everyone was now on guard and prepared their weapons as they look around. Dally smirks, ready for a fight, before it drops as he spots an apple roll over to him. Picking it up, he looks at it with surprise. "An apple? What on Earth?"

Yugo runs up to Dally and points at him with a gleeful smile. "I bet it's a bad api! Or perhaps a demon in disguise! And you said Iops aren't afraid of anything, right?"

"Yugo, I think that's just a regular apple." Y/n says as he sheathes his weapons.

"He's right Yugo. You're mixing fear and foresight." Percedal informs Yugo as he puts away Rubilax. "A true Iop always stays ahead."

"Well, I hate to break it to you true Iop, but there's no one here." Y/n says, putting emphasis on the "true Iop" part.

"What a noble hero." Eva says sarcastically, as she and Amalia walk up to them.

"Yeah, more like a noble zero." The Sadida girl insulted, making Dally glare at her.

"Nothing but a bunch of apples and arachnees." Ruel points out, stepping on an arachnee with a laugh. "By my shovel, we're hardly going to make a fortune here then, are we?"

Meanwhile, as the group was conversing, Az flew over to a barrel full of apples. He smiles as he looks around at the number of apples there were, licking his lips (or beak). Just then he notices a small, blue, bubbly hand reach out from under an apple. He squeaks loudly in fear, which gains the other's attentions. They look over to see Az fall to the ground and passes out.

"AZ!!!" Yugo shouts out to, before running over to the Tofu. Before he reaches his friend, he stops when he notices a weird puddle creature behind the barrel. "Huh?"

"Ah!" Dally perks up and points over at the puddle creature. "See, see? Are you telling me that's not a monster?"

Y/n simply tilts his head as he squints his eyes at it. "Seems pretty small to be a monster."

The creature hides back behind the barrel in fear, as Yugo ran up to Az and picked him up.

"He ran away! The coward!" Dally growls.

"Perhaps he's afraid that Dally will challenge him to a duel." Ruel says to Y/n, who nods in agreement, and making Dally look at him with a glare.

"It's Sir Percedal to you!"

Yugo inspects Az to look for any injuries. "Az! Wake up, little Tofu!" He pleads to his best friend. "Come on, chirp something." Az squints his eyes and blinks, waking up, making Yugo sigh in relief. He hugs his Tofu, who snuggles up against the Eliatrope.

Suddenly, they all heard crashing from one of the village stores. Looking over, they see the door bursts open with a puff of smoke and four bulls run out carrying fruits and bags. 

World Of Thirteen - Wakfu x Male (Shinobi) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now