【Chapter 39】

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A few hours later, we had finally arrived in Cairo.

We stood outside the train station and looked at the picture again.

"Cairo is massive. It's in our best interest to systematically search the city, and work our way towards the center," Avdol explained.

We all nodded in agreement and made our way away from the train station to find somewhere to rent a car that would aid us in traveling through the city.

An hour after arriving in Cairo, we managed to rent a car and started to make our way to the outskirts of the city where the pyramids were which would be the starting point of our search.

Joseph was driving with Avdol in the passenger seat. Jotaro, Polnareff and I sat in the back. I was sat between the two men and watched the road in front of us.

"Y/N. Now would be the best time to start preparing yourself for this fight. All we know is that DIO is able to stop time with his Stand and that it doesn't affect you. Do you have any idea on how long he can stop time for?" Joseph asked as he glanced up at the rearview mirror to look at me.

"I'm not sure how long he can stop it for, but in the vision when he punched Nori into the water tower, it must have been a good 5 to 6 seconds," I recalled.

"So, you only have a small amount of time to react. Like we agreed the other day, it would be best if we all stayed together. That way Y/N can jump in to defend us when DIO attacks," Avdol suggested.

I hummed in agreement and looked down at my feet. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jotaro's hand reach for mine, and I looked up at him.

"Don't forget what I told you. You won't be fighting alone. As soon as time resumes, we'll take it from there to allow you to ready yourself for when he stops time again," he said softly.

"But do we even know if he has a cool off period between each time stop? What if he uses it again the moment time resumes?" I bit my lip as I thought about the extent of DIO's ability.

"You'll be ready. You're a quick thinker and I know you can do this," he reassured me.

"Jotaro's right, Y/N. You may not have had your Stand for long, but you know how to use her in fights. But there's one thing that I should say. Should anything happen to any of us, don't let your anger get the better of you, otherwise you'll be fighting in a blind rage which will leave you vulnerable," Joseph warned. I looked into the rearview mirror to meet his piercing blue gaze in the reflection and nodded slowly.

We pulled up in front of the pyramids and climbed out the car.

"We're finally here," Joseph announced as he straightened his hat.

The rest of us lined up beside him and looked over the city of Cairo. It was crazy to think that it was only over a month ago since Nori and I were here on vacation with his family.

I thought back to the night when DIO took control of Nori's mind with a Flesh Bud and how he intended to do so with me before he came to the conclusion that I was useless to him after I was shot with the Stand Arrow.

My gaze scanned over the city, and I suddenly got a sharp pain in my head. 'Another vision?' I thought to myself and closed my eyes to see what Scarlet Phantom was going to show me.

I was standing on a street corner looking up at a building that looked exactly the same as the one in Joseph's photograph.

I looked around and couldn't see anyone else with me. I must have come here on my own.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x Reader FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin