【Chapter 9】

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We had been sitting in the middle of the China Sea for what felt like an eternity.

The lifeboats weren't big enough for all of us, so we were crushed together like a tin of sardines. I had resorted to sitting on Nori's lap to allow some elbow room for everyone else.

Whilst we were waiting to be rescued, we got to know more about the girl we had saved from the hands of the captain. Her name was Anne, and she was 12-years old. Anne told us she was on her way to Singapore to see her father who was away on business.

Night soon fell and Anne curled up next to Jotaro, her head resting on the delinquent's arm as she slept.

"Y/N. Why don't you try and get some sleep for a while?" Nori suggested.

I glanced back at him and smiled softly. "I'm fine, Nori. How's your hand, by the way?" I asked, glancing down at his hand that was still bandaged with the fabric I had ripped from my skirt after getting injured by Dark Blue Moon's scales.

Nori lifted his hand up and held it in front of him. "It seems fine. I didn't expect you to rip some of your uniform off to wrap it up though. We'll definitely need to get you some new clothes once we get to Singapore," he said as he lowered his hand.

"Well, I didn't want it to get infected, and that was the next best thing to wrap it up with." I shifted slightly in his lap. "I'll be sure to buy a first aid kit and I'll wrap your wound with the proper stuff for you," I said whilst stifling a yawn.

The redhead smirked down at me as he noticed my poor attempt at trying not to yawn and raised his uninjured hand to my head, pulling it down to rest on his shoulder. "You can't hide the fact you're tired. Get some sleep. I'll wake you when the rescue team arrive."

"Nori, I said I'm fine," I argued, but the temptation of resting my head on his shoulder and falling asleep whilst his arms were wrapped around me was too strong. I tried to blink the sleep away, but with every blink, my eyes got heavier and heavier until I relaxed more in Nori's arms and fell asleep.

"Y/N. Wake up. I think our rescue's here," I heard Nori say softly in my ear as he gave my shoulder a gentle shake.

I let out a small groan and opened my eyes slightly, instantly flinching as my eyes stung against the brightness of the sun rising over the horizon. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I slowly sat up in Nori's lap before blinking a couple of times to adjust to the light. As I opened my eyes, I was met with a massive ship right next to our little lifeboat. I looked up the ship and realized it was a freighter. It was freakin' huge!

"Jotaro, something's bothering you, isn't it?" I heard Joseph ask his grandson. I averted my gaze from the freighter to the grandfather and grandson duo. Jotaro wore a stern expression as he looked up at the freighter. It was as if something was telling him that something may be waiting for us on this ship.

I looked back up at the freighter. "Hey, Scar. Can you sense anything off about this freighter at all? Anything we need to be aware of at all?" I asked the Stand out loud.

"I can sense something. However, I am unable to pinpoint its location." Scarlet Phantom said through my head.

"What did she say?" Nori asked.

I glanced at the redhead. "She can sense something, but not sure where its coming from," I said.

"Then we'll proceed with caution until we know exactly what we're facing." Nori nodded.

A set of stairs appeared at the side of the freighter. Whoever was captain of this freighter obviously noticed us and wanted to help. But like Nori said, we won't know what we're facing until we get on this ship. Scarlet Phantom hasn't been wrong yet when it comes to identifying Stands and their users. I'm sure when we get on board, she'll be able to point something out to us. We anchored the lifeboats to the side of the freighter and climbed onto the stairs that led to the top deck.

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