【Chapter 11】

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Nori, Jotaro, Anne and I were walking down the street heading towards the train station.

   Joseph had asked us to go and get the train tickets for tomorrow's train to India.

   As we were walking, Anne ran ahead of us, making a beeline towards an ice cream stall. We all decided to follow her. As it was quite warm today, we agreed to buy some ice cream to eat on the way to the train station.

   "Can I have some ice cream, please?" Anne chirped up at the stall holder as soon as we got there.

   "Welcome! Ya know, ice cream is pretty good, but this baby here..." The stall holder pulled out a coconut and held it in a loving embrace, "...Chilled coconut juice. Nothing in the world like it," he chuckled as he cut open the top of the coconut and placed some straws inside before handing it to Anne. "How 'bout it?"

   "I guess we could try it." Jotaro nodded as he stood behind Anne. "Four please."

   "Thankya much! That'll be twelve dollars," the stall holder calculated.

   "Hey, jerk! What're you trying to pull? Make it six!" Anne scolded the stall holder. I laughed at the girl's attitude as Nori stepped forward, pulling some money out and handing it to the stall holder.

   "Here, this should cover it."

   "Okay, thanks." The stall holder took the money and prepared the coconuts. Once they were ready, he served them to us with a smile.

   I took Nori's coconut and turned to give it to him, only to see that he was no longer standing behind us. I glanced down the street and saw him running after a man with Hierophant Green closing in on the man. The green Stand caught up with the fleeing man and grabbed onto his ankle, making him trip over and drop a wallet onto the floor. Within seconds, Nori was towering over the man.

   I quickly handed Anne and Jotaro mine and Nori's coconuts before running over to the redhead to see what all the commotion was about. "Nori? What the hell is going on?" I asked as soon as I reached him. Nori didn't respond and was still glaring down at the man.

   "So, you dumb, useless, disgusting piece of shit. Who the hell do you think you are?" Nori growled at the man. I was taken aback by Nori's sudden change in attitude. "I'll make you wish you were never born!" He growled again whilst grabbing the man's head and forcing his knee into the stranger's face.

   "Nori!" I screamed at him and tried to pull him away. Nori shoved me away, knocking me to the ground. I stared up at the redhead with wide eyes as he took a handful of the man's hair and pulled him up to his eye level.

   "Get up, you vile little cockroach dick! Do I look like easy pickings to you?!" He spat maliciously. "And now, you'll feel the pain!" Nori slung the man over his shoulders and started to bend him backwards. "How dare you touch my wallet with the same grimy fingers that wipe your filthy ass! I can't let you get away with something like that now, can I?" The man started to cough up blood.

   "Scar! Stop him now!" Scarlet Phantom materialized and lunged towards the redhead, rugby tackling him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, bringing him down to the ground with her, making Nori drop the man. I scrambled up to my feet and ran over to them.

   The red-haired Stand stood up and dusted herself off. "What the hell is his problem? I thought Jotaro had a bad attitude, but Kakyoin is something else!" She growled.

   "You're right, Scar. But something doesn't seem right here..." I trailed off.

   Anne and Jotaro ran over towards us. "Y/N! Are you okay?" The young girl asked as she came to a halt beside me.

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