Chapter 11: New Start

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I put my bike in the alley of the corner store and walked to the front. I leaned against the wall of the store thinking about how I was back on this corner again. " You got gas?" the boy about my age asked. I was still selling weed but i only carried small amounts "What you need" I asked. I took his money giving him what he wanted stuffing the money in my pockets. I watched my surroundings to see a man approaching me he was moving fast. I started to reach for the gun in my waistband but he had started running towards me. Tackling me to the ground taking the gun and banging the butt of it against my head twice.


I woke up trying to stand but I couldn't. I soon realized I was strapped to a chair. A man then walked down the stairs turning the light on. I squinted my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light. "Your up great" the man said standing in front of me. I soon realized it was the man me and Loud had made a deal with. "Who told you to come work my block" he said. "Mmcht nobody was out there to serve so I was" I replied he chuckled "You gutta boys really got shit fucked up" I frowned "Gutta boys?" Tf is a gutta boy i asked myself. "You seem to be very blind to this organization" he said smiling "your just bait kid". Bait what is he talking about "I'm sure your smart" he then said then I thought about how shadow didn't care about me as long as I was on that corner.That's when it hit me they were using me I was bringing them good money and getting good money leaving me blind to all of it. The money really started rolling in when they put me on this guys corner stopping his money from rolling in that's why he was after me. He cleared his throat snatching me out of my thoughts "I ran your background" he said pacing slowly back and forth in front of me. I shrugged because if he knew he wouldn't have to tell me "It looks like you have nobody to turn to specially now you know about your crew" I mugged him "you know nothing". He chuckled "Is it Grace Peters you live with?". My face dropped "Hit a nerve?" he taunted I thought about Mama Grace she has to be worried sick. I just want to assure her I'm fine "Look I have a opposition for you" he said snatching me out of my thoughts. "What I have no information for you" I replied. He chuckled clapping his hands "I wanna do a good deed and take you in ... you know teach you the game the right way". I frowned my face as he continued "I've been watching you work and I gotta say....I'm impressed and I want you to come work for me" I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off raising his hand "I will train you to protect yourself at all time and treat you as if you were my own I will provide a place for you to stay etc plus you'll be making more with me then with those pinheads" he explained "If I don't accept" he reached behind him pulling a gun from his waistband and placed it to my head "Then I must get you outta here you interfered with my money" I wave of fear washed over me "What about Mama Grace?" I asked "I'll have her flown out to be with her family" he replied "can I think about it?" I asked. "Yea I'll give you some time" he said leaving the basement. I thought about how my life would be taking a big turn for god sakes Im 13 going on 14. I then thought this was all my fault I should have stayed in a child's place but the money it was all about the money. I thought about Mama Grace and how I most likely wasn't going to be able to see her anymore then my mind wondered to my dad would he come looking for me he hasn't tried but what if he does. I heard the door open with footstep coming down the stairs I was ready to give my answer "Yes" I said once he came into view. Y'all thought I was going to say no why would I say no I wouldn't play with my life like that. "Great" he chuckled "because I would like someone like you to run this empire when I'm done .....Smoke" He said extending his hand I stared at his hand and looked at the straps holding my arms. "Oh shit let me get you out of those" he said loosing the straps and taking them off of me. "Hassan" I replied telling him my name. "We'll stop you by your house to grab what you need then we make the drive home" I turned my face up at him saying home but soon nodded. We walked up the basement stairs entering a living room with guys on the sofa smoking and counting money "Banks drive the kid to his place to grab what he needs and meet us back at the crib". The man I'm guessing to be Banks nodded and walked out of the door I followed him out as he opened the backseat door for me and got in he closed the door and got in the driver side. He then started the engine and begin to drive.


We pulled up to Mama Graces house. I was so busy trying to figure out how they knew where she lived I didn't notice he was holding the door open. I got out and walked to the front door to see the man right behind me "you know I don't need you following me right" he smiled "it's my job". I knocked on the door for it to be opened by Mama Grace seconds later "oh baby" Mama Grace said giving me a hug I hugged her back tighter being knowing that I wasn't going to see her anymore. We pulled away from the hug and she moved to the side letting me in. The man walked in after me and Mama Grace mugged him. "I just came to get some stuff Mama Grace". She turned her attention to me "Get some stuff? Are you staying with a friend or something?" She asked "No- Yes" I said switching my answer and going to my room. I grabbed one of my book bags and stuffed clothes into it. I then went to my closet and pulled the shoe box down from the top. I opened the shoebox taking all the money out. I grabbed two rolls of the money and put the rest in my bag. Putting my bag on I snuck into Mama Grace room and put the money under her pillow so she would be soon to find it. I walked downstairs giving Mama Grace one last hug "Bye Mama Grace" I said she pulled out of the hug "Alright baby I'll see you tomorrow". I looked at Banks as he put his head down opening the front door for me I walked out only to hear Mama Grace threaten Banks "Take care of my baby or my foot going up your ass boy you hear me?" I smiled at the thought of her treating me as her own "Yes Maam" I heard Banks reply. I got in the truck and watched Banks get in the driver seat. He looked in the rear view mirror and started the engine "don't do that again" I frowned trying to figure out what he was talking about "opening the door I only opens door I must make sure it's secure before you enter" he explained "I can handle myself" I said waving him off. I stared out the window for the rest of the ride thinking about what's next for me.

I AM THE "YOUNGEST DRILLA"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora