In his peripheral he caught her wildly blushing face and a smirk rose on his own, his mood a little more stable than it was before the shower, by just a hair. "Ever see one before?" a slight snide tone present, as he began to put on the boxer briefs one leg at a time, extremely slowly not in any apparent rush. "No? Yes?" he prodded along, eventually shrugging as the silence filled the room and he walked over to his full closet, a hand lazily rubbing at his abs as he was temporarily distracted with the thought about what he would be wearing.

Once he disappeared in the depths of the walk-in, his voice echoed from within. "He ever touch you?" his tenor light and airy as if asking in candid curiosity, which was masking the insane jealousy he was still harboring inside. His head poking out of the closet pointing in her direction as he began buttoning a perfectly starched white shirt onto his upper body, one button at a time. Eyebrows raised only quietly annunciating his feigned innocent curiosity.

She had gathered he was referring to Alex, as that was where their last conversation left off, and that he was the current topic of interest responsible for Jason's current foul demeanor. However, she wasn't quick to feed into his solicitation for a response, knowing it could only end poorly.

"Yes? No?" he repeated, stepping out of the closet so he could stare at her while he fastened the buttons on the cuffs of his sleeves. "Did he ever taste you?" he asked more pointedly, his voice getting deeper.

"Don't be disgusting." she said with a shake of her head and her eyes falling to the floor.

"Oh, I struck a nerve, did I?" he said with mock amusement, walking back into the closet and pulling out navy blue dress pants, making sure he quickly returned outside the door to stare at her as he climbed into them one leg at a time. "Did it feel good?" an arch of an eyebrow on full show. "Him lapping up your juices like a dog?" his stare hardening.

"You're repulsive." she said, quickly getting up off the bed and flicking her hair behind her shoulder as she walked over to the sliding glass door.

"I bet you moaned..." he said as if in deep thought regarding the experience. "I bet your legs trembled... or quivered, that's a better way to put it." a nod of his head as he went back into the closet.

"There is something extremely fucked up about you." she said staring out the window, looking at the grass and wishing so desperately she could have it passing under her feet as she ran away from here. From him.

"Did you suck his dick?" he said bluntly from in the closet, as the following sound of drawers replaced the quiet between them, as they were pulled open and items were shuffled around. A gold watch now being fastened on his wrist with a firm click. Then a pair of navy socks being slid onto his feet, one at a time.

"Shut up..." she mumbled, tears beginning to well in her eyes as she was being barraged with personal questions repeatedly and had no way of reprieve from their onslaught.

"Did it all fit? Did it make you choke? Tell me, I'm interested." he said his voice flowing out, still prodding along without a care for her non-responsive comments.

His collar being adjusted so he could place a deep blue tie on in rapid fashion. A matching tight navy pin striped vest being donned after he tucked his shirt into the pants and fitted them with a black belt. Finally leaving the closet with a pair of nicely polished black leather shoes in hand.

"Did you swallow his cum?" a minor show of disgust appearing on his face and then disappearing in a flash, as he sat down on one of the chairs close to the sliding glass door, watching her intently while he began to put the shoes on. Still waiting for her to respond, as if she was going to answer his direct questioning. "It was salty, wasn't it?" he quipped, as he tied neat knots on each shoe.

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